Mulwa, R. and A. Emrouznejad (2013) “Measuring Productive Efficiency Using Nerlovian Profit Efficiency Indicator and Meta-Frontier Analysis”. Operations Research: International Journal, 13:271–287, DOI: 10.1007/s12351-011-0119-1,

Mulwa, R. and A. Emrouznejad (2013) “Measuring Productive Efficiency Using Nerlovian Profit Efficiency Indicator and Meta-Frontier Analysis”. Operations Research: International Journal, 13:271–287, DOI: 10.1007/s12351-011-0119-1, Accepted, In Press.

The aim of this paper is to illustrate the measurement of productive efficiency using Nerlovian indicator and metafrontier with data envelopment analysis techniques. Further, we illustrate how profit efficiency of firms operating in different regions can be aggregated into one overarching frontier. Sugarcane production in three regions in Kenya has been used to illustrate these concepts. Results show that the sources of inefficiency in all regions are both technical and allocative, but allocative efficiency contributes more to the overall Nerlovian (in)efficiency indicator.

Hatami-Marbini, A., P. J. Agrell, M. Tavana and A. Emrouznejad (2013) “A Stepwise Fuzzy Linear Programming Model with Possibility and Necessity Relation,” Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 25 (2013) 81–93

Hatami-Marbini, A., P. J. Agrell, M. Tavana and A. Emrouznejad (2013) “A Stepwise Fuzzy Linear Programming Model with Possibility and Necessity Relation,” Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 25 (2013) 81–93.

Linear programming (LP) is the most widely used optimization technique for solving real-life problems because of its simplicity and efficiency. Although conventional LP models require precise data, managers and decision makers dealing with real-world optimization problems often do not have access to exact values. Fuzzy sets have been used in the fuzzy LP (FLP) problems to deal with the imprecise data in the decision variables, objective function and/or the constraints. The imprecisions in the FLP problems could be related to (1) the decision variables; (2) the coefficients of the decision variables in the objective function; (3) the coefficients of the decision variables in the constraints; (4) the right-hand-side of the constraints; or (5) all of these parameters. In this paper, we develop a new stepwise FLP model where fuzzy numbers are considered for the coefficients of the decision variables in the objective function, the coefficients of the decision variables in the constraints and the right-hand-side of the constraints. In the first step, we use the possibility and necessity relations for fuzzy constraints without considering the fuzzy objective function. In the subsequent step, we extend our method to the fuzzy objective function. We use two numerical examples from the FLP literature for comparison purposes and to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method and the computational efficiency of the procedures and algorithms.

Amin, G. R., A. Emrouznejad (2013). “A new DEA model for technology selection in the presence of ordinal data.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 65 (9-12) 1567.

Amin, G. R., A. Emrouznejad (2013). “A new DEA model for technology selection in the presence of ordinal data.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 65 (9-12) 1567.

This paper suggests a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model for selecting the most efficient alternative in advanced manufacturing technology in the presence of both cardinal and ordinal data. The paper explains the problem of using an iterative method for finding the most efficient alternative and proposes a new DEA model without the need of solving a series of LPs. A numerical example illustrates the model, and an application in technology selection with multi-inputs/multi-outputs shows the usefulness of the proposed approach

OR Society DEA Course – One day training May 2014

The next OR Society one day DEA training course will be held in May 2014

Please see details at

One Day DEA Course – September 10, 2013, Porto

Course Objective
Participants will be introduced to a set of parametric, semi- and non-parametric econometric models with applications that illustrate each of the models. The applications will include production, cost, distance functions, etc. Special emphasis will be given to modelling and estimating production/cost efficiency models. By the end of the class participants will be able to undertake a research project using either parametric and/or semi- and non-parametric approaches.
Professor Subal C. Kumbhakar, State University of New York, Binghamton, New York,

(a) Introduction of production and distance functions
(b) Cross-Sectional Methods
(i) Maximum Likelihood Methods
(ii) Determinants of Inefficiency
(c) Estimating Firm-Specific Inefficiency
(d) Panel Data Methods
(e) Measurement of Technical Change, TFP Change, Profitability Change
(f) Semi- and non-parametric methods for estimating SF models.
The price of this course is 150 Euro, including lunch and coffee breaks.
Room: 2
Business School
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Rua Diogo botelho, 1327
Registration ( click here )
Registration and payment should be completed until the 31 of August

Managing Service Productivity: Call for book chapter proposals

Modern economies are emerging to meet and satisfy higher expectations for efficient and effective services. Managing service productivity examines complex service issues, challenges, operations and suggests the use of appropriate benchmarking techniques to improve service performance.

We have taken the initiative to edit the book on “Managing Service Productivity”. This book describes how the frontier efficiency methodology such as DEA and other techniques such as MCDM could help service industry to improve their performance by (1) providing ranking of best-practice efficient service units, (2) identifying sources of inefficiency for each service unit (3) determining potential improvement targets for each of the inefficient service units, (4) identifying peers for each service organization, and (5) providing a basis for continuous performance improvement. This information could be useful for the service management to improve service productivity, profitability, sustainability, and quality and effectiveness of service deliveries.
We aim to provide a collection of recent and state-of-the-art contributions to this emerging topic, and will be published in the “International Series in Operations Research & Management Science” (Springer).

We wish to invite you to contribute to this edited book. We are interested in topics including, but not limited to, service productivity in healthcare, education, financial services, transports, utilities, information technology, and tourism and leisure activities. We hope that you will be able to accept our invitation. At this stage, we invite you to submit [by December 15, 2012] a 1-2 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the goals and objectives of your proposed chapter.

Selection process and timeline

Since timeliness is crucial to the success of this editorial project, we would assume the following schedule:

Chapter proposals January 31, 2013
Decisions from editors February 15, 2013
Full submission of chapters April 30, 2013
Feedback of reviews May 31, 2013
Revised chapter submission July 31, 2013
Final acceptance notifications October 31, 2013


For further details please see:

A call for proposals is available at if you wish to share it with colleagues.

DEA2013: 11th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, June 28-30, 2013 at Hill Hotel in OnDokuz Mayis University Campus of Samsun, TURKEY

DEA2013: 11th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, June 27-30, 2013 at Hill Hotel in OnDokuz Mayis University Campus of Samsun, TURKEY, for detials please click here

Workshop on Dynamic and Network DEA (January 29-30, 2013)

Dynamic and Network DEA in January (January 29-30, 2013) at GRIPS Tokyo.

Date: 2013.1.29
Speaker: Kaoru Tone (GRIPS), Miki Tsutsui (CRIEPI) etc…
Venue: Research Meeting Room 4A, GRIPS
Fee: Free (Pre-registration is required)
Language: English

For further details please see

OR Society DEA Course – One day training, Birmingham, UK, May 2013

The next OR Society one day DEA training course will be held in May 2013

Please see details at

William W. Cooper Lifetime Contribution Award in Data Envelopment Analysis

The International Data Envelopment Analysis Society (iDEAs) is pleased to invite nominations for the William W. Cooper Lifetime Contribution Award in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The deadline for submitting nominations for this year is August 20, 2012. Once nominated, individuals are considered for at least three successive years.

Please see for further details.

The award is given to the most distinguished scholars contributing to advances in DEA and not necessarily given out every year. The award winner will be invited to deliver the William W. Cooper Memorial Lecture at the iDEAs annual conference. The names of previous award winners will be posted at the iDEAs website.
This is a Lifetime Contribution Award given to an individual who has contributed substantially and significantly to the theory and practice of DEA during the individual’s academic career. Examples of accomplishments include, but are not limited to:
• seminal contribution to DEA research (including the results of systematic inquiries that define new directions for DEA research)
• publications in leading research journals publishing scholarly work on DEA
• impact of research work measured by social sciences and other indexes and citations databases
• impact or potential impact of work on the practice of DEA
• overall distinguished achievement to advance the theory, practice and knowledge of DEA

Please submit nominations electronically to Ali Emrouznejad (Award Committee Chair) at All nominations must include a curriculum vitae of the nominee and a detailed letter highlighting the individual’s accomplishments and contributions. Self-nominations are welcome.

Award Committee: Peter Bogetoft, Ali Emrouznejad, Finn Forsund, Luka Neralic, Joe Paradi and Subhash Ray