One Day DEA Course – September 10, 2013, Porto

Course Objective
Participants will be introduced to a set of parametric, semi- and non-parametric econometric models with applications that illustrate each of the models. The applications will include production, cost, distance functions, etc. Special emphasis will be given to modelling and estimating production/cost efficiency models. By the end of the class participants will be able to undertake a research project using either parametric and/or semi- and non-parametric approaches.
Professor Subal C. Kumbhakar, State University of New York, Binghamton, New York,

(a) Introduction of production and distance functions
(b) Cross-Sectional Methods
(i) Maximum Likelihood Methods
(ii) Determinants of Inefficiency
(c) Estimating Firm-Specific Inefficiency
(d) Panel Data Methods
(e) Measurement of Technical Change, TFP Change, Profitability Change
(f) Semi- and non-parametric methods for estimating SF models.
The price of this course is 150 Euro, including lunch and coffee breaks.
Room: 2
Business School
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Rua Diogo botelho, 1327
Registration ( click here )
Registration and payment should be completed until the 31 of August

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