Call for PAPERS: DEA at OR59 Conference, September, UK

Call for PAPERS: DEA at OR59

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) stream at the OR Society Annual UK Conference

12th – 14th, September 2017, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK

I would like to issue an invitation to take part in the Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Measurement Stream of the OR59 Conference. This conference will be held at the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK from 12th to 14th September 2017. Contributions from both the academic and the non-academic communities are welcome.


This stream covers papers on the theme of efficiency and productivity analysis and performance management. Both parametric and non-parametric papers will be considered. We especially welcome papers on the theory, methodology and application of Data Envelopment Analysis and econometric methods in performance management. Of particular interest are successful applications of performance and efficiency analysis in the real world, for example in banking, healthcare, education, transportation, and so on.


If you are interested in making a presentation, please submit a title of your talk no later than 30th June 2017 at


Further details about the DEA stream is available at


Deadline for submission abstract:         July 21, 2017

Deadline for early registration fee:         July 26, 2017

Conference date:                                       September 12-14, 2017

Conference Venue:                                    Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK

Kind regards,

Ali Emrouznejad

Professor of Business Analytics
Operations & Information Management Group

Aston Business School
Aston University
Birmingham B4 7ET, UK

[Data Envelopment | DEA Software | Research Gate]

Special issue of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences on “Indices for the Betterment of the Public”

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences: The International Journal of Public Sector Decision-Making

Special issue on Indices for the Betterment of the Public

Guest editors: 

Vincent Charles, Director of Research (Intl. Affairs), CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School, Peru

Ali Emrouznejad, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Michael P. Johnson, McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, USA

Further details: please click here.

Over the years, the quest for a better society has led to the birth of a variety of composite indices of development, from the gross domestic product to the happiness index. These indices usually integrate various social, cultural, psychological, and political aspects and are considered of vital importance for evaluating a country’s level of development and for assessing the impact of policy specially in public sector. Overall, they consist of numerical measures that describe the well-being of both the individual and the society as a whole.

The Special Issue of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences encourages original research articles of high quality that provide innovative quantitative and qualitative methodologies based on optimization/non-optimization, statistical learning, econometrics, and heuristics.

Topics include but are not limited to:

•             Big Mac Index

•             Competitiveness Index

•             Corruption Perception Index

•             Country Risk Index

•             Democracy Index

•             Doing Business Index

•             GINI Index

•             Global Entrepreneurship Index

•             Global Marketing Index

•             Happiness Index

•             Human Development Index

•             Index of Economic Freedom

•              Social Progress Index, and so on

As such, the Special Issue focuses on the conceptualization and development of new indices for the betterment of the public and/or novel algorithms/approaches that integrate or refine the above indices and/or novel ways of using the existing indices to improve the public policies that serve the greater good. Moreover, this special issue is intended for articles that go beyond purely suggesting a new/modern/revised index with the economics view and conceivably validating it using real life vital data sets; hence, articles that eventually help policy-makers to not only gain an advanced understanding of the ways that would unleash greater long-term social success, but also propose strategies that would create the conditions for the betterment of the public are encouraged.

Contributions from both the academic and the practitioner communities are encouraged. Submitted articles should include a separate section on implications for public policy and, among others, the section should discuss the tie between the proposed indices and the decision strategies in view of public policy.

Important Dates

31 January 2018 : Submission Deadline
30 April 2018 : Notification of first round of review results
30 September 2018 : Final acceptances after second round of review

Editorial Process

Manuscripts need to be submitted via by choosing Article Type “Indices”. Early submission recommended, referee process starts once the paper received, accepted papers will be published individually online as they are accepted.  Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed in the same manner as any other submission to a leading international journal. The major acceptance criterion for a submission is the quality and originality of the contribution.

Call for Papers: (Informs) Annual conference – Young Researcher’s sessions

Dear colleagues:

I am writing you to invite you to the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Informs) Annual conference that will be held from October 22-25, 2017 in Houston, TX.  This conference brings together multiple disciplines include Business, Engineering, Economics, among others. I am organizing the Productivity and Data Envelopment Analysis Track whose attendees are broadly interested production economics, both deterministic and stochastic approaches. 

I would like to invite you to submit an abstract to one of these sessions. For some of you, your positive response in the past has helped us organize some very good sessions. I hope you have enjoyed the sessions too. For others I would like to invite you to join for the first time.

This year John Ruggiero, Ole B. Olesen and I will organize a couple of Young Researcher’s sessions. If you are interested to participate in these special sessions please let me know. The format of these sessions is a bit different. We will organize 10 minutes constructive critique and discussion as a follow up of your presentation. However, this requires that we get your presentation by email at least a week before the conference. Unfortunately, Informs will not provide funding for young researchers registration fee. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

If you plan to submit an abstract to this track, please provide me your name and email address and tentative title. I will then send you a formal invitation through the conference system and instructions for you to submit the abstract. Please email me your response by August 1st.

I look forward to a positive response. My apologizes for cross-postings.


Andy Johnson?

Andrew Johnson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Texas A&M University
4033 ETED
3131 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3131
Phone: 979.458.2356

Special Issue of “Business Research Quarterly” on New Frontiers for Productivity Research in Management and Business

Business Research Quarterly
Call for Papers for a Special Issue
New Frontiers for Productivity Research in Management and Business

Submission deadline: December 31, 2017

Guest Editors
E. Grifell-Tatjé, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
C. A. K. Lovell, University of Queensland, Australia
Aims and scope
This special issue focuses on the use of performance measurement methodologies for the improvement of business analysis and managerial decision making.
We seek high-quality papers that advance our knowledge on the many relationships linking management practices with business productivity and its financial consequences. We invite contributions from a range of fields in the disciplines of economics and business. Empirical contributions, including those using index numbers or frontier techniques (both parametric and non-parametric approaches) from economics and operational research, are particularly welcome.
Examples of currently relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

– Technological and institutional drivers of productivity growth
– Business models, business strategy and productivity
– Benchmarking procedures and productivity
– Productivity gaps relative to best practice
– Productivity dispersion among firms
– Business value creation and value capture
– Business restructuring, including downsizing, and productivity
– Distribution of the fruits of productivity gains among stakeholders
– Human resource management practices and productivity
– Information technology adoption and productivity
– The impact on productivity of human capital and other intangible assets
– Corporate social responsibility, social economic progress, and productivity
– Externalities, social costs, and productivity
– Environmental productivity accounting
– The productivity performance of family firms
– The productivity impacts of sourcing strategies, production fragmentation, and global value chains
– The impact of regulation of product and labor markets on productivity
– The impact of coopetition on productivity
– The relationship between financial structure and productivity
– The impact of financial frictions and credit constraints on productivity
– The relationship between productivity and financial performance

Submission Process
Manuscripts submitted to this special issue should be prepared according to Business Research Quarterly’s (BRQ) guidelines for authors. The special issue will be published in 2018. Original submissions are due by December 31, 2017. Early submissions are encouraged. Submissions must be made online via the Elsevier Editorial System for Business Research Quarterly at and should be clearly marked for consideration in the special issue titled “New Frontiers for Productivity Research in Management and Business”

Further Information
Prospective contributors are welcome to contact the guest editors via email at any point over the duration of this Call for Papers to communicate their intention to submit and to dialogue about the fit and scope of the manuscript they are preparing for consideration in the Special Issue.
E. Grifell-Tatjé
C. A. K. Lovell

About BRQ
BRQ Business Research Quarterly is the official journal of ACEDE (Spanish Academy of Management). Founded in 1998 as Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa (CEDE), it soon became the leading management publication in Spanish thanks to its strong academic reputation. The journal was indexed in the SCCI in 2008, and it is published in English under the new title Business Research Quarterly since 2014. From the very outset, BRQ has sought to provide widespread coverage of high quality research in a broad range of topics such as human resource management, organization theory, strategic management, corporate governance, managerial economics, marketing, finance, accounting and operations management. It is therefore a multidisciplinary journal inspired by diversity and open to methodological plurality. Business Research Quarterly is indexed in Scopus and JCR/Social Science Citation Index (current IF: 0.857).

Special issue of CEREM on Uses of Frontier Efficiency Methodologies in Developing Countries

Special issue on

Uses of Frontier Efficiency Methodologies in Developing Countries

Central European Review of Economics and Management (CEREM)

ISSN 2543-9472; eISSN 2544-0365

Guest editors:

Ali Emrouznejad, Aston Business School, UK

Francisco Vargas Serrano, University of Sonora, Mexico

The Central European Review of Economics and Management (CEREM) is a peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary international journal to focus on state-of-the-art empirical and theoretical studies in the field of economics and management. It aims to create a platform for exchange of knowledge and ideas between research, business, governmental and other actors. Besides more traditional scientific papers, the journal welcomes conceptual papers, opinion papers and policy discussions from academic, corporate, governmental and civil society representatives.

This special issue aims to focus on holistic, applied research on Performance Measurement with applications in Developing Countries and for publication of relevant applied research to bridge the gap between industry and academia. We, therefore, seek high-quality papers that will contribute significantly to performance improvement of Developing Countries. Applications of both non-parametric methods such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and parametric methods such as Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) will be considered.

Manuscript Preparation

Please refer to the Journal Information and Author Guidelines for additional information on manuscript preparation at

Important Dates

30 June 2017 : Submission of Abstract
15 July 2017 : Notification of status invitation to submit full paper
31 August 2017 : Deadline for submission of full paper
10 October 2017 : Notification of acceptance or invitation for revision of paper
30 November 2017 : Final version of paper
December 2017 : Publication

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Pleases send your initial abstract to the guest editors:

Professor Ali Emrouznejad ( )
Operations & Information Management Group
Aston Business School, Aston University
Birmingham B4 7ET , UK
Professor Francisco Vargas Serrano, (

University of Sonora,



LEER Summer School 2017: Research on education economics, May 29-31, Leuven

LEER Summer School 2017

May 29-31, Leuven,
Faculty of Economics and Business

The summer school provides junior and senior researchers the opportunity to discuss their research on education economics. The summer school has 10 invited speakers: Tommaso Agasisti, Carla Haelermans, Daniel Horn, Hubert Kiss, Erwin Ooghe, Nicky Rogge, Mike Smet, Geert Van Campenhout, Kristof De Witte and Dieter Verhaest.  The invited speakers present a blend of theory and empirical issues on the use of experiments in education, the financing of education and the measurement of performance in education.

Selected junior researchers have the opportunity to present their work (or research ideas) and receive feedback from senior researchers. Further details on the workshop are provided in the menu at the right-hand side.
The workshop includes oral presentations. Presenters are expected to send a minimum 200-300 word structured abstract to before May 10, 2017.
Selected papers will be presented by participants during this Summer School.

All further details can be found on this LEER site

5th Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Budapest, Hungary October 19th and 20th, 2017

5th Workshop on Efficiency in Education
“Efficiency in education and performance measurement in public sector”
Budapest, Hungary, October 19th and 20th, 2017

Call for papers
“Value for money” has always been an important objective of public spending, but it became an imperative in recent times characterized by tight public budgets and persistent economic stagnation. Education is an area of substantial public spending in most countries, so that the efficiency of educational institutions’ operations is constantly under the lenses of attentive analytical scrutiny and policy analysis. The academic literature proposes several methods for analysing the efficiency of educational institutions, and for assessing the relationships between the efficiency of public education spending and the effectiveness of interventions and policies. The Workshop is a privileged occasion for presenting new methods, applications of existent techniques, as well as advancements and new directions of theoretical and empirical research.
The Workshop is the fifth of a series of academic meetings focused on efficiency analysis in education, the previous ones being hosted in Greece (Thessaloniki) – 2013, United Kingdom (London) – 2014, Belgium (Leuven) – 2015, and Milan (Italy) in 2016.
The 2017 Workshop, organized within the activities of the H2020 project EdEN (Education Economics Network), explicitly aims at bringing together theoretical and empirical studies which focus on the measurement of efficiency in education, and linking this area of research with the broader topic of measuring the performance of organizations in the public sector.

Prospective participants can also propose not only single papers, but also entire sessions, that can share thematic interests or methodological communalities. In this case, please indicate the name of the Chair responsible for organising the session.
Extended abstracts (max 3/4 pages) or full papers must be submitted by email to
by July 3rd, 2017, and notification of acceptance will be sent out by July 10th, 2017.

The event is hosted by the Center for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, within the new Research Building of Human Sciences (MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza) located at Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4, 1097. Hungary


Prof. dr. Tommaso Agasisti (
Dr. Dániel Horn (
Prof. Dr. Kristof De Witte (

DEA & SFA course at Aston University, June 2017

Aston Group of Efficiency and Productivity (AGEP)

Courses on:Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) at Aston University, UK

Date: 19 and 20 June 2017 (Register before 10th June 2017 and save £200.)
For registration and further details please visit: 

The aim of this course is to enable participants to understand how Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) can be used to derive measures of efficiency and productivity change over time in complex multi?output multi?input contexts in the production of goods and services.

Apart from the classical DEA models under constant and variable returns to scale, the course will cover models for assessing productivity change over time, for incorporating value judgements in DEA, for target setting and exploiting economies of scale, for dealing with cases where some of the variables obey constant and others varying returns to scale etc. The course will use various areas of application drawn from the interests of the participants to illustrate the models. The PIM DEA software will be used for hands on?sessions by participants.

Day 1- Morning

  • Understand principles behind the non-parametric performance measurement
  • An illustrative assessment by DEA.

Day 1- Afternoon

  • Basic DEA models for measuring efficiency in multi-input multi-output situations.
  • Advanced DEA models including Malmquist productivity indices and the use of DEA software.

Day 2- Morning

  • Assessment under variable returns to scale, scale efficiency, most productive scale size and target setting.
  • Incorporating value judgement in DEA.

Day 2- Afternoon

  • Illustrative applications of DEA drawn from the delegates’ work experience.
  • Advanced features of PIM-DEA software.


Professor Emmanuel ThanassoulisEmmanuel is Professor in Management Sciences at Aston Business School and is on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Operational Research. He is a world authority on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with over 60 refereed publications in the area including the highly influential book Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A foundation text with integrated software (Springer) and ‘DEA—The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis’, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth  (Oxford University Press). He has co-developed highly acclaimed DEA Software and has acted as consultant on efficiency and productivity analysis to a variety of organisations, including Sibelga (Belgian gas and electricity distribution operator), Transco, Ofwat, the UK Department for Communities and Local Government and HM Treasury.

Professor Ali EmrouznejadAli is a Professor of Business Analytics at Aston Business School, UK. His areas of research interest include performance measurement and management, efficiency and productivity analysis as well as data mining. Dr Emrouznejad is editor of Annals of Operations Research, Associate Editor of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Associate Editor of IMA journal of Management Mathematics, Associate Editor of RAIRO Operations Research Journal, Senior Editor of Data Envelopment Analysis journal, and member of editorial boards or guest editor in several other scientific journals. He has published over 100 articles in top ranked journals, he has also published several DEA books including “Performance Measurement with Fuzzy DEA” (Springer) and “Managing Service Productivity”  (Springer). He is also co-founder of Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM-DEA), see

For registration and further details please visit:

Call for PAPERS: DEA at OR59, September 2017, Loughborough University, UK

Call for PAPERS: DEA at OR59:
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) stream at the OR Society Annual UK Conference

12th – 14th, September 2017, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK,

Abstract submission:

Dear Colleague,

I would like to issue an invitation to take part in the Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Measurement Stream of the OR59 Conference. This conference will be held in the Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK from 14th to 16th September 2016. Contributions from both the academic and the non-academic communities are welcome.

This stream covers papers on the theme of efficiency and productivity analysis and performance management. Both parametric and non-parametric papers will be considered. We especially welcome papers on the theory, methodology and application of Data Envelopment Analysis and econometric methods in performance management. Of particular interest are successful applications of performance and efficiency analysis in the real world, for example in banking, healthcare, education, transportation, and so on.

If you are interested in making a presentation, please submit a title of your talk no later than 15th June 2017 at

Deadline for submission abstract:    June 30, 2017
Deadline for early registration fee:   June 30, 2017
Conference date:                              September 14-8, 2017
Conference Venue:                           Loughborough University, UK

Abstract submission:

Kind regards,

Ali Emrouznejad,
Professor of Business Analytics
Operations & Information Management Group

Aston Business School
Aston University
Birmingham B4 7ET, UK

[Data Envelopment | DEA Software | Research Gate]

SFA & DEA course at Aston University, June 2017

Aston Group of Efficiency and Productivity (AGEP)

Courses on:Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) at Aston University, UK

Date: 21 and 22 June 2017 (Register before 10th June 2017 and save £200.)
For registration and further details please visit: 

Participants will be introduced to the key underlying concepts of econometric methods in the context of efficiency and productivity analysis and to the types of information on performance that can be derived. Participants will also be introduced to the limitations of each approach and given advice how to use the methods appropriately, avoiding pitfalls. The course will cover Production and Cost functions, Corrected OLS regression (COLS), Modified OLS regression (MOLS), Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and panel data methods for efficiency and productivity analysis. Lectures will normally be followed by hands on sessions using sample data worked on with appropriate software.

Day 1- Morning

  • Introduction to econometric models for the modelling of production and cost functions.
  • Introduction to STATA – Hands-on exercise using simple data sets.

Day 1- Afternoon

  • Deterministic approaches for efficiency measurement: Corrected OLS (COLS) and Modified OLS (MOLS)
  • Hands-on case study: The use of COLS for measuring efficiency.

Day 2- Morning

  • Introduction to Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)
  • Utilising data over time: An introduction to panel data models for efficiency and productivity measurement

Day 2- Afternoon

  • Hands-on case study: The use of SFA for measuring efficiency
  • Illustrative applications of SFA drawn from the delegates’ work experience and open discussion


Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis:  Emmanuel is Professor in Management Sciences at Aston Business School and is on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Operational Research. He is a world authority on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with over 60 refereed publications in the area including the highly influential book Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A foundation text with integrated software (Springer) and ‘DEA—The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis’, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth  (Oxford University Press). He has co-developed highly acclaimed DEA Software and has acted as consultant on efficiency and productivity analysis to a variety of organisations, including Sibelga (Belgian gas and electricity distribution operator), Transco, Ofwat, the UK Department for Communities and Local Government and HM Treasury.

Dr Dimitris Giraleas: Dimitris is Lecturer in Business Statistics in Aston Business School, Birmingham, teaching Statistics for Business, Data Envelopment analysis and Advance Performance Measurement in the Postgraduate level. Prior to joining academia, Dimitris was a business and economics consultant with more than 10 years of experience. His main areas of expertise are Performance Management, Economic Regulation and Econometric and Mathematical Modelling.

For registration and further details please visit: