Vacancies – Aston Business School

Teaching Fellow / Senior Teaching Fellow in Business Analytics/Operational Research

Location:  Aston University Main Campus
Salary:  £33,199 to £58,089 per annum
Grade 8 to 10
Contract Type:  Continuing
Basis:  Full Time
Closing Date:  23.59 hours GMT on Sunday 17 February 2019
Interview Date:  To be confirmed
Reference:  R190014

Aston Business School is a Triple Accredited University (EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA) and one of the leading Universities in the UK for academic research (in the recent REF we received 100% for Research Impact), excellent teaching (awarded Gold rating in the 2016/17 TEF) and business engagement. We are only one of three UK institutions with the Small Business Charter Gold Award. The University actively supports and finances academic spin-offs. The Operations and Information Management Department is organized in five teams – Systems Modelling and Simulation, Business Analytics, Operations Management, Global ICT Management and the Advanced Services Group – conducting research in various aspects of operations, analytics and IS/ICT. There is a thriving research culture in the Department, which has a strong reputation for being rigorous, relevant and impactful. We support participation in international conferences and supervision of PhDs via the Dean’s scholarships, and actively support business engagement / executive education opportunities.

As part of our growth strategy, we are seeking an inspirational and highly motivated individual to contribute to the development of the Department’s research, teaching, PhD/DBA supervision, and enterprise activities. We are seeking expertise in operations research techniques that can be used for gamification, systems thinking and operations management improvement, as well as skills in tools such as R, SAS, Unity, and other web-based technologies. Those who can teach operations research and business analytics applied to other areas of expertise within the Business School, and those that have experience of teaching at MBA level and/or distance learning are particularly welcome. We are keen to discuss new ideas in order to strengthen our research profile and complement our teaching and business support provision.

You will have a good first degree, or equivalent job experience. You should have experience of teaching at different levels – ideally at under-graduate and at post-graduate levels and have potential to deliver executive education courses. You should be at least Fellows of HEA (or equivalent). Membership of learned organization and possession of entrepreneurial skills, and a higher degree are highly desirable.

This post is being offered as a Teaching Fellow/Senior Teaching Fellow in Business Analytics / Operational Research.  You will be appointed at a Teaching Fellow or Senior Teaching Fellow level dependent on your skills and experience.

Applications for part-time working are welcome.

The post is available to start as soon as possible.

Further details:    Job Details     University Information

Further particulars and application forms are available in alternative formats on request i.e. large print, Braille, tape or CD Rom.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact HR via

Aston University is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

Professor Ali Emrouznejad

| Email | Website | Facebook| Twitter| Research Gate |

DEA & SFA course at Aston University, February 2019

Courses on: Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) at Aston University, UK

Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis, Professor Ali Emrouznejad, Dr Dimitris Giraleas

DEA course:
February 18-19, 2019

SFA course:
February 20-21, 2019

(Register before 15th December 2018 and save £200)

For registration and further details please CLICK HERE. 

Short Course on Benchmarking and productivity Analyses, March 2019, Denmark

Benchmarking and productivity analyses – with economic applications and extensive hands-on activities


PhD School in Economics and Management at CBS

Course dates
04 March 2019 – 08 March 2019
Professor Peter Bogetoft
Porcelænshaven 16B, PH16B-118
A basic knowledge of quantitative methods and statistics is desirable, but the course will refresh the participants’ prior knowledge as we go along. The course will emphasize actual applications in research and consultancy, and will l train the use of opens source softwares like R. Participants are expected to bring their own notebooks to benefit fully from the hands-on activities.
The aim of this course is to introduce the participants to the theory and practice of performance evaluations and their usages in research, policy analyses, incentive schemes and regulation.

Specifically, the objectives are
1. To provide a basic understanding of state-of-the-art benchmarking, efficiency and productivity analyses methods using Data Envelopment Analyses (DEA), Stochastic Frontier Analyses (SFA) and related methods.
2. To provide training in the actual usage of such methods and associated software on different applications
3. To discuss the usage of performance evaluations to evaluate economic systems and to design decision support, reallocation mechanisms and incentive systems.

Background: Productivity and efficiency analysis is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field of research in economics, management sciences, and statistics. In addition to the empirical research on the magnitude, direction, and sources of productivity growth, this literature has produced quantitative methods such as data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), which have diffused beyond their traditional confinement to production settings. These tools are used in many different application areas including environment, development studies, education, finance, health care studies, natural resource management, public economics, and sports studies, among other fields. The tools and approaches of productivity analysis are equally well suited for micro-level analyses of firms and other decision-making units as well as macro-level cross-country comparisons. Integration with incentive theory, mechanism design and decision support systems makes the tools relevant also in normative applications

Course content
Day 1 ?* Welcome * Introduction and overview ?* Production and costs models ?* Firm behavior ?* Efficiency concepts * Introduction to softwares

Day 2 ?* Data Envelopment Analyses (DEA) * Non-discretionary, environmental, quality etc variables * Dual models * Game interpretations * Exercises.

Day 3 ?* Statistical inference in DEA * Bootstrapping * Two stage models * Stochastic Frontier Analyses (SFA) * Exercises

Day 4 ?* Reallocation, market and merger analyses * Decision Support Systems * Network models * Exercises

Day 5 ?* Efficiency and Incentives, * Contracts * Regulation * Yardstick competition, * Auctions * Exercises

Teaching style
The course (5 ETCS) stretches over five days. Each day will consist of lecturing in the morning and conceptual discussions, presentation of applications by guests and course participants, and hands-on exercises in the afternoon.
A course certificate for the course is granted based on attendance and active participating.
Course Literature
The course will draw of original literature (articles) supplemented by text-book treatments like in

* Bogetoft, P. and L. Otto, Benchmarking with DEA, SFA, and R, Springer New York, 2011

* Bogetoft, P, Performance Benchmarking: Measuring and Managing Performance, Springer New York 2012

DKK 6,500 for PhD students – DKK 13,375 for non-PhD students

Registration deadline
First sign up via the registration link to get priority in case of overbooking – and then please send 5 lines on your background to no later than 4 February 2019.

The registration is binding after the registration deadline.

16th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA): June 2019, London

16th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA)
Conference dates: June 10-13, 2019
Conference Venue: Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU, United Kingdom
Conference website:  

EWEPA 2019 will mark the 30th anniversary of the first EWEPA conference. EWEPA has quickly become the leading biennial conference devoted to the methodology and application of productivity, efficiency and performance analysis of organisations. Following the success of the preceding EWEPA held in London in 2017, we expect a very large number of academics and practitioners from all continents to take part in EWEPA 2019.

The Organising Committee invites presentations on different topics in the fields of productivity and efficiency. This includes theoretical issues of productivity analysis, popular parametric and nonparametric methodologies, such as stochastic frontier analysis and data envelopment analysis, bootstrapping approaches and interfaces with related disciplines. We also welcome methodology and application papers concerned with the issues of measurement, understanding, incentivising and improving the performance of organisations in different sectors. We look forward to seeing you there!

Important dates:

Abstract submission is open NOW at  
Registration starts: January 14, 2019
Abstract submission deadline: February 8, 2019
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2019
Early registration ends: March 8, 2019
Author registration deadline for the abstract to appear in the printed programme: March 29, 2019
Conference dates: June 10-13, 2019

Queries may be addressed to Ms Ruth Cufflin at

The EWEPA 2019 Organising Committee

EPRSC funded PhD Studentship for EU/UK National, Closing Deadline: 11 January 2019

EPRSC funded PhD Studentship at the Operations and Information Management (OIM) Department, of Aston Business School, Aston University in Birmingham;

£14777.00 tax-free bursary per annum for up to 3.5 years, plus tuition fees for 3 years, plus supplementary funding for trainings and conference attendance.

To be eligible for a full award you must be an EU/UK National. For an assessment of whether you would be eligible for a full or a partial award as an EU citizen, or if you are a refugee, migrant worker, or EEA national please read through the eligibility criteria on the following link.  .

This studentship will commence in April 2019.

Closing Deadline: 11 January 2019

Big Data and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

Big Data is a major source of change in today’s world. Organizations are constantly collecting data from various sources (e.g. loyalty cards, smart energy usage metres etc.), with the aim to use such data to improve their performance and create competitive advantage. DEA is a cutting-edge method for efficiency and productivity analysis, estimating maximum potential outcomes for given resource levels or minimum resource levels needed for given outcomes. You will join an internationally recognised faculty team for research in the theory and application in DEA and Econometrics.  You will explore how  Big Data can be exploited in the framework of DEA to improve organisational performance. Potential areas are the  use of machine learning techniques such as clustering and segmentation in order to find sets of homogeneous units for DEA analysis or dealing with non standard data such as integer, interval, ordinal, ratio, imprecise, fuzzy or  stochastic data in DEA modelling.

Required skills: We are seeking candidates with a minimum 2:1 (or equivalent) honours degree in an area consistent with the theme or themes they wish to be considered for. An MSc degree will be an advantage as additional preparation for their chosen theme.

For further information please contact Professor Ali Emrouznejad (

How to Apply
Please send to  a cover letter explaining how you meet the EPSRC eligibility conditions for this award,  attach a CV  and attach  a research proposal explaining for the research questions you would address, how you propose to address them and what contribution to knowledge you anticipate.

17th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, July 17-20, 2019 at the University of Calgary

The organizers of the 17th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate in the DEA2019 Conference from July 17-20, 2019 at the University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada).

The University of Calgary is a leader in research excellence. It is located in the dynamic city of Calgary ? home to Canada’s major petroleum companies among breathtaking landscapes, fascinating locale, and endless adventure. DEA 2019 also includes a networking excursion to an awe-inspiring, mountain paradise (Banff National Park). Canada graciously welcomes scholars from all over the world.

DEA2019 brings together researchers and practitioners interested in the development of the DEA methodology and its applications to performance management in both public and private sectors. Theoretical and empirical papers on DEA and related fields in efficiency and productivity analysis as well as performance measurement are invited. More information about the conference is available at:

Please submit your abstract or paper by March 1st, 2019 at:

Please note that, if you submit more than one paper, a different coauthor must present each paper.

PhD Studentship on “Big Data and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)”, Deadline 25th Nov 2018

PhD Studentship on
“Big Data and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)”

Aston University – Aston Business School – Operations and Information Management (OIM)

Funding amount:   £14,777 tax-free bursary per annum for up to 3.5 years, plus tuition fees for 3 years, plus supplementary funding for trainings and conference attendance.

This studentship will commence in April 2019.

Academic qualifications

Students must be able to demonstrate a capability to undertake and benefit from research training through to completion, to qualify for a doctorate. This normally requires an upper second class honours degree, or a combination of qualifications and/or experience equivalent to that level. However, universities can use their discretion in deciding whether candidates are suitable for research training.

Residence requirements

UK/EU Students: To be eligible for a full award a student must have no restrictions on how long they can stay in the UK and have been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least 3 years prior to the start of the studentship. For full details on how UK and  EU citizens, refugees or migrants may qualify  for a full or partial award please consult directly the EPSRC site

Please send your CV to Professor Ali Emrouznejad ( before 25th November 2018.

5th LEER Conference on Education Economics, KU Leuven April 4-5, 2019

Call for Papers: 5th LEER Conference on Education Economics, April 4-5, 2019

This conference seeks to explore the use of economic and econometric techniques to study educational issues. We invite the submission of original research from colleagues working in the area. We especially welcome research which applies identification strategies as difference-in-differences, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, static and dynamic choice modeling, (non-)parametric frontier models and structural equations. Both macro and micro-economic topics are of interest to this conference. The workshop is organized by research center ‘Leuven Economics of Education Research’ (LEER) of the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven.

The conference itself will take place on April 4-5, 2019, and is organized by the research center ‘Leuven Economics of Education Research’ (LEER) of the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven. It will be preceded by an inaugural lecture by Dan Goldhaber on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 from 1.30 pm till 3.30 pm.

Deadline Call for Papers: January 12, 2019

Participants can give an oral or a poster presentation. For all types of proposals, speakers are expected to send a minimum 200-300 word structured abstract or paper to until January 12, 2019. Authors will be notified by January 22, 2019.

More info:

Call for papers: book chapter (Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis)

Dear Efficiency and Productivity Community,

Following the conclusion of NAPW X in sunny Miami, we will be editing a collected volume for Springer titled “Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis”. This collected work will contain contributed, peer reviewed chapters across all areas of efficiency and productivity analysis. We expect that the types of contributions to the Springer Proceedings Volume will focus on surveying areas of topical interest and possibly preliminary work in progress that would not otherwise be considered appropriate for the JPA.  We hope you will consider submitting your work for potential inclusion. To meet deadlines with Springer we ask for all submissions to be sent via e-mail to either of us by no later than October 15th, 2018. Submissions should be on the order of 20-30 pages in length in standard formatting.

Current contributors include Jaap Bos, Cinzia Daraio, Subal Kumbhakar, Amil Petrin, Peter Schmidt, Konstantinos Triantis, and Paul Wilson.

If you have any questions please do no hesitate to ask.


Christopher F. Parmeter and Robin C. Sickles

For further information please contact: Christopher F. Parmeter <>

Call for papers: Measurement of Performance in Emerging Economies and New Leaders

Downlosd this call for papers HERE

Data Envelopment Analysis Journal
Data Envelopment Analysis Journal
Special issue on
Measurement of Performance in Emerging Economies and New Leaders
Guest editors:
Ali Emrouznejad, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK
Subhash C. Ray, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT USA
Nurhan Davutyan, Kadir Has University, ?stanbul, Turkey.
LI Yongjun, University of Science and Technology of China

Measurement of Performance in Emerging Economies and New Leaders

We invite high quality papers on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for a special issue of the DEA Journal on measurement of performance in Emerging Economies and New Leaders. The aim of this special issue is to publish state-of-the-art empirical research using the DEA methodology for evaluating performance in addressing problems including (but not limited to) productivity, physical infrastructure, management of natural resources, education, employment, health care, competition in different sectors, as well as regulation/reform.

Manuscript Preparation /submission:

Please refer to the Journal Information and Instructions for Author about manuscript preparation:

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2018 Anticipated publication: August, 2019

Notes for Prospective Authors:

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed in the same manner as any other submission to a leading international journal. The major acceptance criterion for a submission is the quality and originality of the contribution.

Indexed in:

Cabell’s International, Google Scholar, EconLit/JEL, Electronic Journals Library, RePEc/IDEAS, Ulrich’s. We plan to apply for other indexes such as SSCI and Scopus when we have built up the history to be eligible.


Please send email “your paper and + a cover letter” to the DEA editorial office (