Call for papers: Special issue of The DEA Journal, deadline 31st December 2019

Data Envelopment Analysis Journal

Call for papers: Special issue of The DEA Journal

Data Envelopment Analysis has had many interesting applications in a variety of fields. In order to increase scholarly and practitioner attention to these various application areas for DEA, we announce a number of upcoming issues focused by area.

Several distinguished DEA scholars have committed to submitting articles for these issues, opening up the opportunity for newer scholars to gain visibility by publishing their own work alongside that of the field’s luminaries.

These issues are:

Measurement of Environmental Efficiency
– Submission deadline: August 31, 2018
– Anticipated publication: August, 2019

Measurement of Performance in Emerging Economies and New Leaders
– Submission deadline: August 31, 2018
– Anticipated publication: August, 2019

Efficiency in Financial Institutions
– Submission deadline: August 31, 2018
– Anticipated publication: August, 2019

Efficiency Analysis for Manufacturing and Engineered Systems
– Submission deadline: October 31, 2018
– Anticipated publication: October, 2019

Stochastic Frontiers
– Submission deadline: October 31, 2018
– Anticipated publication: October, 2019

Transportation and Logistics
– Submission deadline: October 31, 2018
– Anticipated publication: October, 2019

Big Data and Analytics
– Submission deadline: December 31, 2018
– Anticipated publication: December, 2019

The DEAJ editors look forward to receiving your submissions.

Rajiv Banker and Ole Olesen 

Editors-in-Chief : The Data Envelopment Analysis Journal

Please submit at:


16th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, October 2018, Wuhan

16th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis

DEA2018, Wuhan, China, October 26 to 28, 2018

Call for papers: (International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis)

The organizers of the 16th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate in the DEA2018 Conference to be held at Jianghan University, China, from October 26 to 28, 2018.

Jianghan University is located in Wuhan, one of the largest industrial centers in China. It is recognized as the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China.

DEA2018 brings together researchers and practitioners interested in the development of the DEA methodology and its applications to performance evaluation and management. The conference will emphasize DEA in emerging economies. Theoretical and empirical papers on DEA and in related fields in efficiency and productivity analysis are also welcome.

Conference Program
Oct. 25 Early Bird Reception
Oct. 26 Opening Ceremony + Full Day Conference + Welcome Reception
Oct. 27 Full Day Conference + Gala Dinner
Oct. 28 Half Day Conference + Closing Ceremony

Information and contact details

With warm regards,

Lei Chen, Jianghan University, China
Subhash Ray, University of  Connecticut, USA

Rajiv Banker, Temple University, USA
Ali Emrouznejad, Aston University, UK

6th International Workshop on “Efficiency in Education”, September, 2018, UK

6th International Workshop on “Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services”

Huddersfield Business School, Huddersfield, England, September 6th and 7th, 2018

We are writing to circulate the Programme (provisional) for the 6th International Workshop on “Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services”. Please find attached the same.


If you have not already registered for the conference you can still do. The ‘early bird’ registration fees is £175 up to 15th July 2018 and £225 thereafter. The payment includes the cost of the conference dinner on 6th September. Payment information and registration is available via this link. Should you encounter any difficulties or have any queries please do get in touch at

We look forward to welcoming you to Huddersfield in September.

Best wishes

Dr Swati Virmani,

Professor Jill Johnes,

2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering, China, October, 2018

Call for Papers:

2nd International Conference on Computer Science & Application Engineering



When: October 22-26, 2018

Where: Hohhot, China

Submission Deadline: August 20, 2018


All submissions will be peer reviewed 2-3 reviewers, and the accepted papers after registration will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).

Conference Chair & Keynote:

Ali Emrouznejad

Conference Chair of CSAE2018 & Keynote speaker

Title: Big Data & Smart Cities Evaluation
Abstract: Big Data is a major source of change in today’s world. It is without doubt a source of immense economic and social value with the potential to impact individuals, organizations, and society alike in ways that are yet to be fully explored.

A Smart City provides effective integration of physical, digital and human systems in the built environment to deliver a sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future for its citizens.
In this talk we introduce big data and smart cities and explain how big data analytics could benefit of mathematical modelling to improve the performance of smart cities.

Prof. Ali Emrouznejad
Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

17th International Conference on Operational Research, September 26-28, 2018 Zadar, Croatia

Call for Papers:

17th International Conference on Operational Research, Croatian Operational Research Society


When: September 26-28, 2018

Where: Zadar, Croatia

Submission Deadline: July 15, 2018


KOI 2018:

17th International Conference on Operational Research, September 26-28, 2018 Zadar, Croatia

Conference will take place at the Hotel Falkensteiner Club Funimation Borik in the city of Zadar, a city of exceptional history and rich cultural heritage, a city of tourism. Situated in the heart of the Adriatic, Zadar is the administrative, economic, cultural and political center of the northern Dalmatia with 75,000 inhabitants. The coast is particularly indented, the islands and the untouched nature allures many boaters to this regions. The archipelago counts 24 bigger and about 300 smaller islands and rocks, 3 nature parks and 5 national parks classifying Zadar and its surroundings at the very top of the Croatian tourist offer.


Prof. Ali Emrouznejad, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Paper submission Deadline: July 15, 2018


12th Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Ankara, September 2018.

Dear Researcher,

You are invited to submit your abstract to the 12th Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Ankara, Turkey, 11-12 September 2018.

 Main Reasons to Participate in NCM Conference

  1. The keynote speakers of the conference are: Ali Emrouznejad &Serkan Eryilmaz.
  2. The full papers of the conference will be reviewed (double-blind review) and published in one of the followingjournals based on the aim and scope of the journals and the papers’ quality (design, methodology, analysis, discussion, and language and style):
    3- The conference is held in collaboration with Ankara Y?ld?r?m Beyaz?t University.


–  Heliyon (Abstracted and Indexed in Scopus and Thomson Reuters-ESCI)

–  International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (Scopus)

–  International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (ISC)

–  Journal of Turkish Operations Management

–  Conference Proceedings: The proceedings of the conference will be freely accessible in the SSRN eLibrary published by Elsevier–NCM- 2018.html
You may submit your abstract to

You can find more information at the conference website: WWW.NCMCONFERENCES.COM


Conference Organizer

special issue of “CEJOR- Central European Journal of Operations Research”

On behalf of the editors I like to inform you that deadline for submission to the special issue of “CEJOR- Central European Journal of Operations Research” is extended to end of October.

All manuscripts should be submitted online at , when submitting the manuscript please select the article type “SI: Performance and Efficiency Evaluation”.

Best regards,
Ali Emrouznejad

Innovative applications of data envelopment analysis, Dubai, November 2017

1st AUE International Research Conference: “Creative Business and Social Innovation”
15th-16th November, 2017, Dubai


Submission: (deadline 1st October)


Session title: Innovative applications of data envelopment analysis
Session organizer: Dr Panagiotis D. Zervopoulos, Department of Management, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates


Session details: The emphasis of this session is on the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to real-world cases aiming to shed light on operational/managerial perspectives. DEA is a widely used technique for measuring the relative performance of units and benchmarking. Since its inception (1978), thousands of theoretical and empirical works have been published. DEA-based empirical studies provide insightful managerial implications and facilitate decision making. This session welcomes real-world DEA-based empirical studies from a wide range of areas, such as banking, finance, health care, government, education, energy, environment, and tourism. A particular aim of this session is to attract empirical studies from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and other geographical locations to ensure the broadest possible range of contributions. Cross-country applications also lie within the scope of this session

DEA40: International conference of DEA [Celebrating 40th Anniversary of DEA]

Please visit:


A course on Benchmarking and productivity analyses with economic applications


Benchmarking and productivity analyses with economic applications  – PhD courses in Denmark  

PhD School in Economics and Management at CBS

Course dates: 25 September 2017 – 29 September 2017
Lecturer: Professor Peter Bogetoft, Department of Economics, CBS
Place/Venue:Porcelænshaven 18B
City: Frederiksberg
ECTS: 5 points


A basic knowledge of quantitative methods and statistics is desirable, but the course will refresh the participants’ prior knowledge as we go along. During the course, we will also train the use of opens source software like R. Participants are encouraged to bring their own notebooks to facilitate subsequent usage.
The aim of this course is to introduce the participants to the theory and practice of performance evaluations and their usages in research, policy analyses, incentive schemes and regulation.
Specifically, the objectives are
1. To provide a basic understanding of state-of-the-art benchmarking, efficiency and productivity analyses methods using Data Envelopment Analyses (DEA), Stochastic Frontier Analyses (SFA) and related methods.
2. To provide training in the actual usage of such methods and associated software on different applications
3. To discuss the usage of performance evaluations to evaluate economic systems and to design decision support, reallocation mechanisms and incentive systems.Background: Productivity and efficiency analysis is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field of research in economics, management sciences, and statistics. In addition to the empirical research on the magnitude, direction, and sources of productivity growth, this literature has produced quantitative methods such as data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), which have diffused beyond their traditional confinement to production settings. These tools are used in many different application areas including environment, development studies, education, finance, health care studies, natural resource management, public economics, and sports studies, among other fields. The tools and approaches of productivity analysis are equally well suited for micro-level analyses of firms and other decision-making units as well as macro-level cross-country comparisons. Integration with incentive theory, mechanism design and decision support systems makes the tools relevant also in normative applications
Course content
The course comes in two parts.

Base course
Day 1 : Welcome * Introduction and overview ?* Production and costs models ?* Firm behavior ?* Efficiency concepts * Exercises *Installation of software
Day 2 : Data Envelopment Analyses (DEA) * Non-discretionary, environmental, quality etc variables * Dual models * Game interpretations * Exercises.
Day 3 : Statistical inference in DEA * Bootstrapping * Two stage models * Stochastic Frontier Analyses (SFA) * Exercises
Day 4 : Reallocation, market and merger analyses * Decision Support Systems * Network models * Exercises
Day 5 :Efficiency and Incentives, * Contracts * Regulation * Yardstick competition, * Auctions * Exercises

Add-on course (Optional)
Individual advice ?* Participants work on own projects * Individual advise on methods, analyses and interpretation of results
Day 6 & 7 : Participants present preliminary results * Additional topics covered depending on interests of participants (e.g. Indices, rational inefficiency, dynamic efficiency, advanced SFA, advanced bootstrapping, regulatory practices, etc).

Teaching style
The base course (5 ETCS) stretches over five days. Each day will consist of lecturing in the morning and conceptual discussions and data exercises in the afternoon.
The optional add-on course (5 ETCS) consists of advise to individuals or groups on specific research projects during a one month period combined with two days of final lecturing and presentations of the participants’ research work.
Lecture plan
Learning objectives
A course certificate for the base course is granted based on attendance and active participating.
A course certificate for the add-on course is granted based on progress with individual projects and active participation in the in class activities.
When registering for the course please write a few lines on your background in ‘comments’