Deadline for paper submission to DEA2017: February 15th, 2017

DEA2017: University of Economics, Prague in the Czech Republic, on June 26 to 29, 2017

Date & Location:

  • June 26-29, 2017, University of Economics, Prague in the Czech Republic


  • Special issue of The Data Envelopment Analysis Journal
  • Special issue of European Journal of Operational Research
  • Special issue of CEJOR-Central European Journal of Operations Research
  • Special issue of IJMS Journal of Management Studies
  • Proceedings, an ISBN Proceedings

List of tutorials on 26th June:

  • Selection of inputs and outputs in DEA, Subhash Ray
  • Efficiency analysis with weight restrictions and trade-offs, Victor Podinovski
  • Benchmarking software: Latest development in PIM-DEA, Ali Emrouznejad
  • Introduction to two-stage DEA Models, Rajiv Banker
  • Modelling and applications of DEA in manufacturing, Kostas Triantis
  • Network DEA, Rolf Färe & Shawna Grosskopf

Panel discussion:

  • In addition to paper presentation sessions, keynote speech sessions and tutorials in the pre-conference day, several panel discussions have also been planned including a special session in memoriam of Abraham Charnes.

More information:

6th Workshop on efficiency and productivity analysis, Porto, 9th of June 2017

It is a pleasure to announce the 6th Workshop on efficiency and productivity analysis that will be held in Católica Porto Business School  on the 9th of June 2017. Details on the workshop dates and call for abstracts can be found in

The deadline for paper submissions is the 7th of April of 2017. The workshop main theme is “Challenges for performance assessment in the service sector” but contributions from other areas are also welcome.

Please feel free to circulate this email to all those you believe may be interested in attending this workshop.

for further details please visit click here

I hope to see you in Porto next June,

Best Wishes
Maria Portela
Maria Conceição Silva Portela
Professora Associada e Directora do Mestrado em Gestão


DEA course at Aston University, January 2017

Aston Group of Efficiency and Productivity (AGEP)

Courses on:Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) at Aston University, UK

Date: 19 and 20 January 2017 (Register before 15th December 2016 and save £140.)
For registration and further details please visit: 

The aim of this course is to enable participants to understand how Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) can be used to derive measures of efficiency and productivity change over time in complex multi?output multi?input contexts in the production of goods and services.

Apart from the classical DEA models under constant and variable returns to scale, the course will cover models for assessing productivity change over time, for incorporating value judgements in DEA, for target setting and exploiting economies of scale, for dealing with cases where some of the variables obey constant and others varying returns to scale etc. The course will use various areas of application drawn from the interests of the participants to illustrate the models. The PIM DEA software will be used for hands on?sessions by participants.

Day 1- Morning

  • Understand principles behind the non-parametric performance measurement
  • An illustrative assessment by DEA.

Day 1- Afternoon

  • Basic DEA models for measuring efficiency in multi-input multi-output situations.
  • Advanced DEA models including Malmquist productivity indices and the use of DEA software.

Day 2- Morning

  • Assessment under variable returns to scale, scale efficiency, most productive scale size and target setting.
  • Incorporating value judgement in DEA.

Day 2- Afternoon

  • Illustrative applications of DEA drawn from the delegates’ work experience.
  • Advanced features of PIM-DEA software.


Professor Emmanuel ThanassoulisEmmanuel is Professor in Management Sciences at Aston Business School and is on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Operational Research. He is a world authority on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with over 60 refereed publications in the area including the highly influential book Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A foundation text with integrated software (Springer) and ‘DEA—The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis’, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth  (Oxford University Press). He has co-developed highly acclaimed DEA Software and has acted as consultant on efficiency and productivity analysis to a variety of organisations, including Sibelga (Belgian gas and electricity distribution operator), Transco, Ofwat, the UK Department for Communities and Local Government and HM Treasury.

Professor Ali EmrouznejadAli is a Professor of Business Analytics at Aston Business School, UK. His areas of research interest include performance measurement and management, efficiency and productivity analysis as well as data mining. Dr Emrouznejad is editor of Annals of Operations Research, Associate Editor of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Associate Editor of IMA journal of Management Mathematics, Associate Editor of RAIRO Operations Research Journal, Senior Editor of Data Envelopment Analysis journal, and member of editorial boards or guest editor in several other scientific journals. He has published over 100 articles in top ranked journals, he has also published several DEA books including “Performance Measurement with Fuzzy DEA” (Springer) and “Managing Service Productivity”  (Springer). He is also co-founder of Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM-DEA), see

For registration and further details please visit:


In Memoriam of Abraham Charnes (1917 -1992): June 2017

Abraham Charnes was born in Hopewell, Virginia, USA on September 4, 1917, son of Harry and Rebecca Charnes. (For details on his biography and scientific work see, Kortanek [1]. See, also Philips [2], and Phillips, Seiford [3].) He died on December 19, 1992 in Austin, Texas at the age of 75. Dr. Charnes graduated in mathematics from the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) in 1938, where he also received a master’s degree in mathematics in 1939. After that he received a graduate scholarship to study at Harvard, but this was interrupted by World War II. In 1942 he entered the U. S. Naval Reserve as an Ensign OV(S) and worked in electromagnetics, torpedo performance and control, supersonic flight, fire control, weapon damage assesment and did the first U. S. pro-submarine operations research. He returned to the University of Illinois where he received a Ph. D. degree in 1947. His dissertation was entitled “Wing-Body Interaction in Linear Supersonic Flow” (adviser D. G. Bourgin). In 1948/49 he began his post-doctoral academic career as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Carnegie Institute of Technology. At that time he married Kathryn Francis and began his lifelong collaboration and friendship with W. W. Cooper. Dr. Charnes also taught at Purdue and Northwestern Universities. At Northwestern he was the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Applied Mathematics. Professor Charnes joined The University of Texas at Austin in 1968. There he held the Jesse H. Jones Professorship and was a University System Professor. He was later named the John P. Harbin Professor in the College of Business Administration. He was also the director of the Center for Cybernetic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

Professor Charnes was an internationally recognized mathematician, as well as one of pioneers and great contributors in operations research and management science. His fundamental contributions were in mathematics, statistics, engineering optimization, finance, marketing, and human resource management. He was a founder and president (1960) of The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) and also the editor of Management Science. He was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Econometric Society. He published 434 journal articles and eight books. He was a finalist for the Nobel price in 1975. Professor Charnes was the recipient of numerous honors. Among these was the John von Neumann Theory Prize of the TIMS and the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) in 1982, jointly with W. W. Cooper and R. J. Duffin, for their “fundamental contributions to optimization methods, concepts, and models for problems of decision, planning and design.” He also received the Notable Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award from the American Accounting Association, and the Harold Lardner Memorial Award from the Canadian Operations Research Society. During the celebration of his sixtieth birthday in 1977, Professor Charnes received the U.S. Navy Medal for Public Service, the Navy’s highest civilian award, for his contributions as a research physicist and operations analyst during World War II. In 2006, he was posthumously awarded the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences’ IMPACT Prize jointly with W. W. Cooper for all their work on DEA. Professor Charnes is one of only twenty-three individuals to be elected into the International Federation of Operational Research Societies’ Hall of Fame as of spring, 2015.

Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes introduced the basic CCR model of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in their seminal paper „Measurnig the Efficiency of Decision Making Units“, which was published in the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) in 1978. Professor Charnes contributed in DEA as an author or co-author with many published papers in the theory and applications. Stability of the CCR model of DEA, proved by Charnes, Cooper, Sears and Zlobec, was very important for applications. He also was an adviser to many students who received Ph. D. degrees in a variety of areas including DEA.

Professor Charnes was remarkable in many ways: a distinguished scientist, and professor, an adviser, a husband, and father, and a friend, who was ready to help anyone. I was fortunate and honored to do my post-doctoral research, as a Visiting Fulbright Scholar in 1985/86, under his supervision in the Center for Cybernetic Studies at the University of Texas. The results of our joint work on sensitivity analysis in DEA were published in six papers in Glasnik Matematicki and EJOR.

Given the seminal contributions of Professor Charnes to DEA as well as many other fields, We will orginse a session devoted to Professor Abraham Charnes on the occasion of hundred years since his birthday in the DEA2017 in Prague, Czech Republic, June 26 – 29.

If you are intersted to contribute to this session please send your proposal to

Zagreb, Croatia
July, 2016
Professor Emeritus Luka Neralic (
University of Zagreb, Croatia


[1] K. O. Kortanek (1980), „A Biography of Professor A. Charnes and His Scientific Work“, In: A. V. Fiacco and K. O. Kortanek (Eds.), Extremal Methods and Systems Analysis An International Symposium on the Occasion of Professor Abraham Charnes’ Sixtieth Birthday Austin, Texas, September 13 – 15, 1977, pp. 2 – 9.

[2] F. Philips (1997), „In Memoriam Abraham Charnes, 1917 – 1992“, In: A. Y. Lewin and L. M. Seiford (Eds.), From Efficiency Calculations to a New Approach for Organizing and Analyzing: DEA Fifteen Years Later, Annals of Operations Research, 73, 389 – 391.

[3] F. Y. Phillips and L. M. Seiford (2011), „Abraham Charnes“, In: A. A. Assad, S. I. Gass (Eds.), Profiles in Operations Research Pioneers and Innovators, Chapter 18, pp. 325 – 342, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York.

Workshop on DEA, August 11-12, 2016, Nepal

Workshop on Data Envelopment Analysis and its Applications in Financial Sector

Organized by: Operational Research Society of Nepal

Invited Speaker: Ali Emrouznejad, Professor and Chair in Business Analytics, Aston, Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom

Objective of the workshop: To gain knowledge of DEA and develop skill of applying the tool in financial sector and others

Expected outcome from the workshop: At the end of the workshop, the participants will have the knowledge of DEA concept, the CCR and CCC model, Output and input oriented problems and the formulation of the problem. The participants will achieve the skill and will be able to analyze the formulated problems by applying the PIM software.

The participants are requested to bring their own laptop for the workshop.

Date:    August 11-12, 2016

Venue: Central Training Institute of ADBL, Bode Bhaktapur

Program: The workshop is residential program. All the participants, organizers and resource person are expected to stay in the venue. (Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served at the venue)

Day 1                11:00 AM to 6:00 PM followed by dinner

Day 2                 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM and Good Bye after lunch

Deadline for registration: July 30, 2016

Registration Fee:  It includes workshop materials, accommodation and dinner for August 11 at the workshop venue, breakfast and lunch on August 12, tea-snacks during workshop.

Please contact :

Sunity Shrestha              984 905 8033  (Email:

Govinda Tamang             984 128 4716

DEA2017: 15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Prague in the Czech Republic, on June 26 to 29, 2017


Call for Papers

The organizers of the 15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate in the DEA2017 Conference to be held at University of Economics, Prague in the Czech Republic, on June 26 to 29, 2017.
The University of Economics, Prague (also called Prague School of Economics) is the leading economics and business-oriented public university in the Czech Republic. It is the largest and most selective university in the fields of economics, business and information technologies in the Czech Republic with almost 20,000 students in its bachelors, masters and doctoral programmes, and considered a top business school in Central Europe.

In the beautiful city of Prague, DEA2017 plans to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the development of the DEA methodology and its applications to performance management in both public and private sectors. Theoretical and empirical papers on DEA and related fields in efficiency and productivity analysis as well as performance measurement are invited.

Preliminary Program
June 26           Pre-Conference Workshops  +  Welcome Reception
June 27           Opening Ceremony  +  Full Day Conference + Gala Dinner
June 28           Half Day Conference  +  Half Day Tour  +  Optional Dinner
June 29           Full Day Conference  +  Closing Ceremony
June 30           Optional Tour

In addition to paper presentation sessions, panel discussions and keynote speech sessions, the DEA2017 provides a series of tutorials on the pre-conference day.

We are also honored to announce a special issue of The Data Envelopment Analysis Journaldevoted to selected papers presented at the conference.

More information about scientific and social programs as well as paper submission can be found at

We look forward to meeting you at the DEA2017 Conference in in Prague, Czech Republic.

With warm regards,

Josef Jablonsky, University of Economics, Prague (chair)
Mehdi Toloo, Technical University Ostrava (co-chair)TRU
Rajiv Banker, Temple University, USA
Ali Emrouznejad, Aston University, UKiDEAs

4th Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Milan (Italy) October 20th and 21st, 2016

Organized by: Politecnico di Milano – Department of Management, Economics and
Industrial Engineering
Local Organizer: prof. Tommaso Agasisti
Joint Organizer: prof. Kristof De Witte, KU Leuven and Maastricht University

Call for papers
Improving the efficiency of public organizations is a major challenge in the context of public finance and economic development, where fiscal consolidation has become an essential characteristic of any reform. Budgetary reforms are today inspired by the ability to reward performance; and among them, the ability to transform inputs (human and financial resources) into outputs (public services of a given quality). While such emphasis is different between specific subsectors (i.e. health care, education, elderly services, unemployment services, country-level and local governments, public service utilities, etc.), shared characteristics make the discipline of studying public sector efficiency a common one: the necessity of defining the concepts of ‘technical’ and ‘allocative’ efficiency, the development of theoretical frameworks about the determinants of efficiency, the use of qualitative and quantitative techniques for estimating efficiency levels.
The purpose of the Workshop is to focus on specific challenges for the educational sector, bringing together scholars from various disciplines and fields, for debating together about the present and future challenges in the area of educational efficiency and performance measurement, and policy and managerial implications of the results obtained by ongoing research.
The Workshop is the fourth of a series of academic meetings focused on efficiency analysis in education, the previous ones being hosted in Greece (Thessaloniki), United Kingdom (London) and Belgium (Leuven) in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. The 2016 Workshop explicitly aims at placing the discourse about the efficiency required in educational provision within the wider debate on public spending efficiency and effectiveness. For this reason, the Workshop welcomes theoretical, methodological and empirical papers that use qualitative and quantitative techniques for assessing the efficiency of organizations operating in various areas cognate to education.

Prospective participants can also propose not only single papers, but also entire sessions, that can share thematic interests or methodological communalities. In this case, please indicate the name of the Chair responsible for organising the session. Extended abstracts (max 3/4 pages) or full papers must be submitted by email to by July 1st, 2016. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by July 15th, 2016.
Important Dates
July 1th:  Deadline for abstract submission
July 15th:  Notification of acceptance
October 1st:  Fee payment and registration and full paper submission
October 20th and 21st Workshop

Politecnico di Milano School of Management, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, via Lambruschini 4b, 20156 Milano (MI) – Italy.

The participation to the Workshop is subjected to the payment of a fee of € 150.00, which includes the cost of the conference dinner. The payment must be realized online through the Workshop’s website (

Prof. Tommaso Agasisti (
Eng. Mara Soncin (

Susila Munisamy

This page is created in memory of Professor Susila Munisamy.

DEA community lost a great friend!

With regret and sorrow we just learned in the last day of the DEA2016 conference about the sudden death of our friend and long standing close collaborator, Professor Susila Munisamy. I have known her for a period of twenty  years, since she was a PhD student at Warwick university.

She worked very hard in organizing DEA2014 conference in Malaysia. Since then I continued to work with her on several co-authorship papers.  I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to  her family and all DEA community.
May God rest his soul in peace!

Ali Emrouznejad,
May 30, 2016


Please add your memory and upload if you have any photo with her.

Course on Performance Measurement using DEA, at Aston University, June 20-21, 2016

Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) at Aston University, UK

Course on Performance Measurement using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Date: 20 and 21 June 2016

Apart from the classical DEA models under constant and variable returns to scale, the course will cover models for assessing productivity change over time, for incorporating value judgements in DEA, for target setting and exploiting economies of scale, for dealing with cases where some of the variables obey constant and others varying returns to scale etc. The course will use various areas of application drawn from the interests of the participants to illustrate the models. The PIM DEA software will be used for hands on?sessions by participants. All delegates will receive 15 days free licence for PIM-DEA software.

Course on Econometric Methods and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)
Date: 22 and 23 June 2016

Participants will be introduced to the key underlying concepts of econometric methods in the context of efficiency and productivity analysis and to the types of information on performance that can be derived. Participants will also be introduced to the limitations of each approach and given advice how to use the methods appropriately, avoiding pitfalls. The course will cover Production and Cost functions, Corrected OLS regression (COLS), Modified OLS regression (MOLS), Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and panel data methods for efficiency and productivity analysis. Lectures will normally be followed by hands on sessions using sample data worked on with appropriate software.

Who should participate?
Those interested in assessing performance of organisational units, for instance, banking, health services , education, regulation, and governance.

How is the programme delivered?
The teaching is based on lectures, small group working and hands-on use of software.

Fees, accommodation and reserving a place

Reserving a place: Payment is required in full prior to the commencement of the course and can be made by credit card.

  Students Non-students
DEA – course (2 days)
June 20 – 21, 2016
SFA – course (2 days)
June 22 – 23, 2016
Special price if you book both DEA and SFA Courses (4 days)
June 20 – 23, 2016
Fee covers all teaching materials, coffee breaks and lunch
Deadline for reserving a place is June 15, 2016.
*By registering you accept you have read and agree to the “Short Course Terms and Conditions

Accommodation: Accommodation is not included; there is accommodation in campus or nearby. For information please visit:

For more information on course content or registration please contact Prof Emmanuel Thanassoulis (


Call for PAPERS: DEA at OR58, September 2016, University of Portsmouth, UK

Call for PAPERS: DEA at OR58:
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) stream at the OR Society Annual UK Conference

6th – 8th, September 2016, University of Portsmouth, UK,

Abstract submission:

Dear Colleague,

I would like to issue an invitation to take part in the Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Measurement Stream of the OR58 Conference. This conference will be held at the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK from 6th to 8th September 2016. Contributions from both the academic and the non-academic communities are welcome.

This stream covers papers on the theme of efficiency and productivity analysis and performance management. Both parametric and non-parametric papers will be considered. We especially welcome papers on the theory, methodology and application of Data Envelopment Analysis and econometric methods in performance management. Of particular interest are successful applications of performance and efficiency analysis in the real world, for example in banking, healthcare, education, transportation, and so on.

If you are interested in making a presentation, please submit a title of your talk no later than 15th June 2016 at

Deadline for submission abstract:    June 30, 2016
Deadline for early registration fee:   June 30, 2016
Conference date:                                          September 6-8, 2016
Conference Venue:                                      University of Portsmouth, UK

Abstract submission:

Kind regards,

Ali Emrouznejad,
Professor of Business Analytics
Operations & Information Management Group

Aston Business School
Aston University
Birmingham B4 7ET, UK

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