5th Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Budapest, Hungary October 19th and 20th, 2017

5th Workshop on Efficiency in Education
“Efficiency in education and performance measurement in public sector”
Budapest, Hungary, October 19th and 20th, 2017

Call for papers
“Value for money” has always been an important objective of public spending, but it became an imperative in recent times characterized by tight public budgets and persistent economic stagnation. Education is an area of substantial public spending in most countries, so that the efficiency of educational institutions’ operations is constantly under the lenses of attentive analytical scrutiny and policy analysis. The academic literature proposes several methods for analysing the efficiency of educational institutions, and for assessing the relationships between the efficiency of public education spending and the effectiveness of interventions and policies. The Workshop is a privileged occasion for presenting new methods, applications of existent techniques, as well as advancements and new directions of theoretical and empirical research.
The Workshop is the fifth of a series of academic meetings focused on efficiency analysis in education, the previous ones being hosted in Greece (Thessaloniki) – 2013, United Kingdom (London) – 2014, Belgium (Leuven) – 2015, and Milan (Italy) in 2016.
The 2017 Workshop, organized within the activities of the H2020 project EdEN (Education Economics Network), explicitly aims at bringing together theoretical and empirical studies which focus on the measurement of efficiency in education, and linking this area of research with the broader topic of measuring the performance of organizations in the public sector.

Prospective participants can also propose not only single papers, but also entire sessions, that can share thematic interests or methodological communalities. In this case, please indicate the name of the Chair responsible for organising the session.
Extended abstracts (max 3/4 pages) or full papers must be submitted by email to
by July 3rd, 2017, and notification of acceptance will be sent out by July 10th, 2017.

The event is hosted by the Center for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, within the new Research Building of Human Sciences (MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza) located at Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4, 1097. Hungary


Prof. dr. Tommaso Agasisti (tommaso.agasisti@polimi.it)
Dr. Dániel Horn (horn.daniel@krtk.mta.hu)
Prof. Dr. Kristof De Witte (Kristof.dewitte@kuleuven.be)

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