This conference seeks to explore the use of economic and econometric techniques to study educational issues. We invite the submission of original research from colleagues working in the area. We especially welcome research which applies identification strategies as difference-in-differences, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, static and dynamic choice modeling, (non-)parametric frontier models and structural equations. Both macro and micro-economic topics are of interest to this conference.
Call for Papers – Deadline January 14, 2022
The conference includes oral and poster presentations. For all types of proposals, speakers are expected to send a minimum 200-300 word structured abstract to by January 14, 2022, at the latest. Authors will be notified on acceptance by January 24, 2022.
The University of Surrey is a global university with a world-class research profile and an enterprising and forward-thinking spirit committed to research and innovation excellence and to benefitting the economy, society and the environment. Our researchers practise their excellence against the backdrop of our broad spectrum of technological, human, health and social sciences, and their uncommonly strong linkages forged in an integrated campus culture of cooperation.
The Department of Business Transformation at Surrey Business School is seeking applications for a Business Analytics Senior Teaching Fellow position. This is part of an ambitious effort to develop a world-class group of scholars who will make significant contributions to the various facets of management teaching on business analytics especially in supply chains. Our department is deeply engaged with local and international businesses which provide opportunity for meaningful interaction ensuring relevant teaching. You will contribute to increasing the visibility of the University by leading our analytics teaching through developing capacity in this strategic area for the School and University. Our department actively collaborates with researchers across the University such as computer science, engineering, data science and digital health.
The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate world-leading pedagogical research with outputs that are consistently recognised as internationally excellent in the field. Clear evidence of a commitment to collaboration with academic and non-academic partners will be essential as will be evidence of excellence in the development and delivery of teaching and the promotion of student experience. We are particularly interested in candidates who have taught in the areas that have involved the use of AI, big data, virtual reality, machine learning and visualisations. Applicants should have experience of how technology can contribute to decision making and insights in a business environment.
Informal enquiries should be directed in the first instance to Professor James Aitken (, Head of the Business Transformation Department.
For more information and to apply online, please download the further details and click on the ‘apply online’ button above.
The University of Surrey is committed to providing an inclusive environment that offers equal opportunities for all. We place great value on diversity and are seeking to increase the diversity within our community. Therefore we particularly encourage applications from under-represented groups, such as people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups and people with disabilities.
The University of Surrey is a global university with a world-class research profile and an enterprising and forward-thinking spirit committed to research and innovation excellence and to benefitting the economy, society and the environment. Our researchers practise their excellence against the backdrop of our broad spectrum of technological, human, health and social sciences, and their uncommonly strong linkages forged in an integrated campus culture of cooperation.
The Department of Business Transformation at Surrey Business School is seeking applications for a Senior Lecturer position. This is part of an ambitious effort to develop a world-class group of scholars who will make significant contributions to the various facets of management research on business analytics. The role should have the view that a business is transformed by applying Business Analytics techniques. We are looking for people interested in theoretical expertise in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Forecasting. Our department is deeply engaged with local and international businesses which provide opportunity for meaningful interaction ensuring relevant research and teaching. We are looking for someone that supports our revenue generation in the Business and Data Analytics sector (e.g. via bids, Innovate UK funding, etc.). The new member of the department will increase the visibility of the University by supporting our Analytics Research Cluster. Furthermore, we are looking for someone that has the potential of leading our existing Business Analytics MSc programme. We collaborate with researchers across the University such as computer science, engineering, data science and digital health.
Candidates should hold a relevant doctoral degree and be from a Mathematics, Data Science, Computer Science, Finance, Econometrics or Industrial Engineering. Candidates should demonstrate their ability and interest to conduct novel empirical research on phenomena that are important to Business Analytics and Transformation. We are particularly interested in candidates who studied supply chain analytics, big data and machine learning while having developed an understanding of how the technology can contribute to decision making and insights in a business environment.
You will have demonstrated a strong potential for A-journal publications and have experience of teaching in higher education – preferably in a business school context.
This is a great opportunity for an Analytics orientated person, where you will be able to develop as a scholar in a supportive and exciting environment.
Informal enquiries should be directed in the first instance to Professor James Aitken, (, Head of the Business Transformation Department.
The aim of this course is to enable participants to understand the fundamentals of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a general purpose method for efficiency and productivity analysis in complex multi – output and multi- input contexts in the production of goods and services. The course will cover both the theory and the actual use of DEA. Sample real life and simulated contexts will be used.
Apart from the classical DEA models under constant and variable returns to scale, the course will cover models for assessing productivity change over time, for incorporating value judgements in DEA, for target setting and for exploiting economies of scale etc. The course will use various areas of application drawn from the real life experience of the presenters and from the interests of the participants to illustrate approaches. The PIM DEA software ( will be used for hands on sessions by participants.
Running the course over two-days in staggered parallel streams [ (9am to 5.30pm) or (12.30pm to 8pm) ]
As there are registrations from a wide range of time zones we will run two parallel streams staggered streams spanning from 9 am to 8pm London time. One stream will fit better time zones East and the other West of England. This means we shall be repeating some sessions as presenters so you will each have the chance to have the session closer to what would be a reasonable time for your time zone. It also means for some of the sessions all of you will be able to join in at the same time. It also means, if you can cope with the timing, you are welcome to join twice a repeat session if you so wish.
Alternatively, you can pay using the following link below, enter the full amount you pay and your name and email address at:
You can either pay by PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal choose option to pay by credit card.
Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis, Emmanuel is Professor in Management Sciences at Aston Business School and is on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Operational Research. He is a world authority on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with over 60 refereed publications in the area including the highly influential book Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A foundation text with integrated software (Springer) and ‘DEA—The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis’, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth (Oxford University Press). He has co-developed highly acclaimed DEA Software and has acted as consultant on efficiency and productivity analysis to a variety of organisations, including Sibelga (Belgian gas and electricity distribution operator), Transco, Ofwat, the UK Department for Communities and Local Government and HM Treasury.
Professor Ali Emrouznejad, Ali is a Professor of Business Analytics at Aston Business School, UK. His areas of research interest include performance measurement and management, efficiency and productivity analysis as well as data mining. Dr Emrouznejad is editor of Annals of Operations Research, Associate Editor of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Associate Editor of IMA journal of Management Mathematics, Associate Editor of RAIRO Operations Research Journal, Senior Editor of Data Envelopment Analysis journal, and member of editorial boards or guest editor in several other scientific journals. He has published over 100 articles in top ranked journals, he has also published several DEA books including “Performance Measurement with Fuzzy DEA” (Springer) and “Managing Service Productivity” (Springer). He is also co-founder of Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM-DEA), see
Abstract submission: CLICK HERE (deadline: 15th July 2021)
OR63: Data Envelopment Analysis and its Applications
This stream covers papers on the theme of efficiency, productivity analysis and performance management.
This stream is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). It is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to share their knowledge of productivity analysis or performance managemenWe especially welcome papers on the theory, methodology and application of Data Envelopment Analysis and econometric methods in performance management. We are interested in presentations on successful applications of performance and efficiency analysis in the real world, for example but not limited to:
Energy and so on.
Both parametric and non-parametric papers will be considered.
Kind regards, Ali Emrouznejad, Professor of Business Analytics, Operations & Information Management Group Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK
DEA Course: Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) – ONLINE
Dates: Monday June 28, 2021 – Choose 09.00 to 17.30 or 12.30 to 20.00 (UK time) Tuesday June 29, 2021– Choose 09.00 to 17.30 or 12.30 to 20.00 (UK time)
Running the course over two-days in staggered parallel streams [ (9am to 5.30pm) or (12.30pm to 8pm) UK time]. As there are registrations from a wide range of time zones we will run two parallel streams staggered streams spanning from 9 am to 8pm London time. One stream will fit better time zones East and the other West of England. This means we shall be repeating some sessions as presenters so you will each have the chance to have the session closer to what would be a reasonable time for your time zone. It also means for some of the sessions all of you will be able to join in at the same time. It also means, if you can cope with the timing, you are welcome to join twice a repeat session if you so wish.
Deadline: Deadline for registration is 25th June 2021. Presenters: Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis & Professor Ali Emrouznejad
Join Ali Emrouznejad and Emmanuel Thanassoulis from Aston University, for an introduction to Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) is an optimization method for measuring the efficiency and productivity of decision-making units with multiple inputs/outputs. DEA has been rapidly extended as a performance management tool, identifying the scope for scale economies, company and industry level productivity change over time, identifying targets and benchmark units, incorporating value judgments in assessments of performance, dealing with uncertainty in data and much more.
In this webinar, they will share top performance measurement tips using advanced DEA models and will introduce features of the Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM-DEA).
This webinar is designed for academics and public and private sector professionals who are interested in Data Envelopment Analysis. To access the webinar you will be sent a link to our events platform before the event. BOOK HERE
Courses on Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) – Online
Date: 28 and 29 June 2021 (Register before 15th May 2021 and save £10%.) For registration and further details please visit:
Courses on Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) – Online
Date: 28 and 29 June 2021 (Register before 15th May 2021 and save £10%.)
For registration and further details please visit:
The aim of this course is to enable participants to understand how Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) can be used to derive measures of efficiency and productivity change over time in complex multi?output multi?input contexts in the production of goods and services.
Apart from the classical DEA models under constant and variable returns to scale, the course will cover models for assessing productivity change over time, for incorporating value judgements in DEA, for target setting and exploiting economies of scale, for dealing with cases where some of the variables obey constant and others varying returns to scale etc. The course will use various areas of application drawn from the interests of the participants to illustrate the models. The PIM DEA software will be used for hands on?sessions by participants.
Day 1- Morning
Understand principles behind the non-parametric performance measurement
An illustrative assessment by DEA.
Day 1- Afternoon
Basic DEA models for measuring efficiency in multi-input multi-output situations.
Advanced DEA models including Malmquist productivity indices and the use of DEA software.
Day 2- Morning
Assessment under variable returns to scale, scale efficiency, most productive scale size and target setting.
Incorporating value judgement in DEA.
Day 2- Afternoon
Illustrative applications of DEA drawn from the delegates’ work experience.
Advanced features of PIM-DEA software.
Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis, Emmanuel is Professor in Management Sciences at Aston Business School and is on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Operational Research. He is a world authority on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with over 60 refereed publications in the area including the highly influential book Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A foundation text with integrated software (Springer) and ‘DEA—The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis’, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth (Oxford University Press). He has co-developed highly acclaimed DEA Software and has acted as consultant on efficiency and productivity analysis to a variety of organisations, including Sibelga (Belgian gas and electricity distribution operator), Transco, Ofwat, the UK Department for Communities and Local Government and HM Treasury.
Professor Ali Emrouznejad, Ali is a Professor of Business Analytics at Aston Business School, UK. His areas of research interest include performance measurement and management, efficiency and productivity analysis as well as data mining. Dr Emrouznejad is editor of Annals of Operations Research, Associate Editor of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Associate Editor of IMA journal of Management Mathematics, Associate Editor of RAIRO Operations Research Journal, Senior Editor of Data Envelopment Analysis journal, and member of editorial boards or guest editor in several other scientific journals. He has published over 100 articles in top ranked journals, he has also published several DEA books including “Performance Measurement with Fuzzy DEA” (Springer) and “Managing Service Productivity” (Springer). He is also co-founder of Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM-DEA), see
Methods and techniques for assessment of health care performance
Guest Editors:
Diogo Cunha Ferreira*, Ana Camanho, and José Rui Figueira * Key Guest Editor
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences invites submissions that focus on theoretical contributions and innovative application frameworks to assess efficiency, quality, and access to health care systems (HCS) worldwide. For this Special Issue, we are seeking papers that address innovative methods and application frameworks to measure the performance in the health sector in terms of efficiency, quality, and access dimensions, including but not limited to the following topics:
Measuring the impact of public policies or social programs related to health care systems’ performance;
Health care systems’ performance in a variety of scenarios, such as in wealthy and developed nations, or impoverished and social excluded regions;
Theoretical and methodological challenges in understanding the determinants of health care systems’ performance;
Patterns and trends in health care systems’ performance, across time, contexts, and demographic groups;
Social determinants of health care systems’ performance as they relate to demographic changes;
Contextual determinants of health care systems’ performance and health disparities;
Cross-national perspectives in the examination of health care systems’ performance.
The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2021. Authors should submit their papers online at When asked to choose article type, authors should stipulate ‘Special Issue: Methods and techniques for assessing hospital performance.’ In the ‘Enter Comments’ box, the Special Issue title should be inserted along with any further comments to the editors. All submissions should meet the Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Journal author guidelines.
Early submission is encouraged. The referee process will start upon submission of the paper. Accepted papers will be published individually online as they are accepted before print publication. All inquiries concerning the submission to the special issue will be addressed directly by the Guest Editors. For any query, please contact the Key Guest Editor Diogo Ferreira.
Abstract submission deadline: March 28, 2021 Conference dates: July 11-14, 2021
Conference website:
Dear Colleagues,
We are organizing the stream “Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Measurement” at the upcoming EURO 2021 conference in Athens, July 11-14, 2021, that will take place in hybrid format.
Conference delegates will be able to choose, at the time of registration, whether they wish to participate virtually or physically attend the conference in Athens. Each timetabled session will be either virtual or physical, not mixed.
We have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate in EURO 2021 conference and submit a paper to this stream. To submit the paper, please visit and use the invitation code 7982d87b
We will send you the information that will allow you to invite people to submit abstracts online to your session. Each session consists of four papers. Abstracts have at maximum of 1500 characters (extended deadline March 28).
Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you need more information.
Looking forward to seeing you in Athens at EURO 2021!
Emrouznejad A. & E. Cabanda (2014) Managing Service Productivity : Uses of Frontier Efficiency Methodologies and MCDM for Improving Service Performance, Springer Order at Amazon