4th, HAWEPA, July 16-17, 2012 in Halle (Saale), Germany

Dear colleague

We have the pleasure to announce the 4th Halle Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (HAWEPA) on ” Issues in dynamic efficiency analysis ” to be held on July 16-17, 2012 in Halle (Saale), Germany. The workshop is organised by IAMO (Liebniz-Institute of Agricultural Development in Central Europe) and IWH (Halle Institute for Economic Research). The keynote address will be provided by Spirou Stefanou (Pennsylvania State University) on dynamic efficiency measurement and its application in applied research.

We would be very happy if you would consider submitting an extended abstract to the workshop. The program provides possibilities for contributed papers and posters. Deadline for abstract submission is May 10, 2012.

Contributions dealing with theoretical developments and empirical application from economics, agricultural economics, management science, operations research and related fields are welcome. Please have a look at the attached Call for Abstracts for more details. Website : http://www.iamo.de/nc/iamo/veranstaltungen/workshops/hawepa-2012/objective.html


Please, do not hesitate to disseminate this information further to anyone potentially interested.


We are looking forward to seeing you in Halle.


Best regards,


Heinrich Hockmann

Peter Haug


(Organising Committee )

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