Call for PAPERS: DEA at Informs, October 20-23, 2019 in Seattle, Washington
Call for Papers: DEA
Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Informs) Annual conference, October 20-23, 2019 in Seattle, Washington.
Dear colleagues:
I am writing you to invite you to the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Informs) Annual conference that will be held from October 20-23, 2019 in Seattle, Washington. This conference brings together multiple disciplines include Business, Engineering, Economics, among others. I am organizing the Productivity and Data Envelopment Analysis Track whose attendees are broadly interested production economics, both deterministic and stochastic approaches.
I would like to invite you to submit an abstract to one of these sessions. For some of you, your positive response in the past has helped Andy Johnson to organize some very good sessions. I hope you have enjoyed the sessions. For others I would like to invite you to join for the first time.
I am organizing similar sessions in Seattle.
If you plan to submit an abstract to this track, please provide me your name, email address and a tentative title of the presentation. I will then send you a formal invitation through the conference system and instructions for you to submit the abstract. Please email me your response by Monday, May 5th.
Notice that you have to respond very quickly! I contacted Informs 3 weeks ago, because I was surprised that I have received no request for organizing sessions within Productivity and Data Envelopment Analysis Track for 2019. I have to day (April 22nd) received an email requesting me to try and organize such a cluster, but with the requirement, that I invite session chairs before May 5th. In other words, you have to respond very quickly. When you receive a formal invitation through the conference system and instructions for you to submit the abstract then notice that the deadline for submitting the abstract is May 15th!!!
I look forward to a positive response. My apologizes for cross-postings.
Ole B. Olesen
Department of Business and Economics
+45 65 50 32 54
University of Southern Denmark , Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark |