Stream: Recent Advances in Performance and Efficiency Evaluation (IFROS2017)

Call for Papers

Stream: Recent Advances in Performance and Efficiency Evaluation

On the occasion of the

IFROS2017 Conference, 17th – 21st, July 2017, Quebec, Canada

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to invite you to submit your original contributions in the form of research papers in the “Advances in Performance and Efficiency Evaluation” stream at the IFROS2017 Conference. This conference will be held at Quebec city convention center, Canada, from 17th to 21st July 2017. The goal of this stream is to compile state-of-the art research, modelling, theory, empirical studies, application and case studies in this research area. In particular, this stream covers papers on the following two different sessions:

  1. Performance Evaluation in Supply Chain Management
  2. Imprecise Efficiency Measures in Data Envelopment Analysis

All abstracts should be submitted online at, when submitting the abstract, please select the following invitation codes:


  • 5fe986aa (Performance Evaluation in Supply Chain Management)
  • 4e0c6251 (Imprecise Efficiency Measures in Data Envelopment Analysis).


February 17, 2017: Deadline for abstract submission

February 17 to March 10, 2017: Review period

March 10, 2017: Authors notification

April 15, 2017: Deadline of the early bird rate for registration

May 31, 2017: Deadline of the regular rate for registration



Adel Hatamimarbini,
Department of Strategic Management and Marketing,
Leicester Business School,
De Montfort University,
The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK,