Prerequisites |
A basic knowledge of quantitative methods and statistics is desirable, but the course will refresh the participants’ prior knowledge as we go along. The course will emphasize actual applications in research and consultancy, and will l train the use of opens source softwares like R. Participants are expected to bring their own notebooks to benefit fully from the hands-on activities. |
Aim |
The aim of this course is to introduce the participants to the theory and practice of performance evaluations and their usages in research, policy analyses, incentive schemes and regulation. |
Course content |
Background: Productivity and efficiency analysis is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field of research in economics, management sciences, and statistics. In addition to the empirical research on the magnitude, direction, and sources of productivity growth, this literature has produced quantitative methods such as data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), which have diffused beyond their traditional confinement to production settings. These tools are used in many different application areas including environment, development studies, education, finance, health care studies, natural resource management, public economics, and sports studies, among other fields. The tools and approaches of productivity analysis are equally well suited for micro-level analyses of firms and other decision-making units as well as macro-level cross-country comparisons. Integration with incentive theory, mechanism design and decision support systems makes the tools relevant also in normative applications |
Teaching style |
The course (5 ETCS) stretches over five days. Each day will consist of lecturing in the morning and part of the afternoon followed by conceptual discussions, presentation of applications, and hands-on exercises in the afternoon. |
Lecture plan |
Teaching Plan (Tentative)
Monday |
Lecture |
Readings |
9-10 |
Course Introduction |
10-12 |
Introduction to Benchmarking – From Academic Studies to Managerial Advice |
BoOt11 Ch1, Bo12 Ch1 |
12-14 |
Regulatory Benchmarking |
BoOt11 Ch10, Bo12 Ch9 |
14-15 |
Efficiency Concepts |
BoOt11 Ch2, Bo12 Ch2 |
15-16 |
Getting started with R |
BoOt11 AppA+ Bo12 App A+Software Packages R-package |
Tuesday |
9-10 |
Basic DEA |
BoOt11 Ch3+4, Bo12 Ch4 |
10-12 |
Advanced DEA |
BoOt11 Ch4+5 |
12-14 |
The Benchmarking Process 1: Data Collection and Cleaning |
Selected applied reports |
14-16 |
Applications |
To be decided |
Wednesday |
9-11 |
Statistical analyses in DEA models |
BoOt11 Ch6 |
11-13 |
The Benchmarking Process 2: Model Specification |
Selected applied reports |
13-16 |
Appplications |
To be decided |
Thursday |
9-11 |
SFA and other parametric approaches |
BoOt11 Ch7+8, Bo12 Ch5 |
11-12 |
SFA in Benchmarking and Frontier packages |
BoOt11 Ch8+Frienter R package |
12-14 |
The benchmarking process 3: Model Validation and Robustness |
Selected applied reports |
14-16 |
Applications |
To be decided |
Friday |
9-11 |
Mergers and Quota Trade |
BoOt11 Ch9, Bo12 Ch7, AB07 |
11-12 |
Benefit-of-doubt measures |
BoWi20 |
12-14 |
Rational efficiency, DEA based autions and other additional topics |
BoHo03, BoKe20, BoNi08 |
14-15 |
Applications |
To be decided |
15-16 |
Evaluation, diploma and goodbye |
Lunch will be served around 12’oclock and in the morning and afternoon, coffee ect will be available during the lectures. |
Learning objectives |
Specifically, the objectives are:
– To provide a basic understanding of state-of-the-art benchmarking, efficiency and productivity analyses methods using Data Envelopment Analyses (DEA), Stochastic Frontier Analyses (SFA) and related methods.
– To provide training in the actual usage of such methods and associated software on different applications
– To discuss the usage of performance evaluations to evaluate economic systems and to design decision support, reallocation mechanisms and incentive systems. |
Exam |
A course certificate for the course is granted based on attendance and active participating. |
Start date |
09/11/2020 |
End date |
13/11/2020 |
Level |
PhD |
5 |
Language |
English |
Course Literature |
The course will draw of original literature (articles) supplemented by text-book treatments:
– BoOt11: Bogetoft and Otto, Benchmarking with DEA, SFA and R, New York, pp. 1-351, 2011
– Bo12: Bogetoft, Performance Benchmarking: Measuring and Managing Performance, Springer, New York, pp. 1-255, 2012.
– R-package “Benchmarking”, newest version
– IB-manual, Interactive Benchmarking, newest version
– Applications
– Will be slected based on students interests. Typically regulation, eduction, health, industry
– 4-5 original articles
– Additional topics, including
– BoHo03: Bogetoft and Hougaard, Rational Inefficiency, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 20, pp. 243-271, 2003.
– BoKe20: Rational Slack, WP
– NoNi08: Bogetoft and Nielsen, DEA Based Auctions, European Journal of Operational Research, 184, 685-700, 2008
– BoWi20: Bogetoft and Wittrup, Benefit-of-the-doubt approach, WP
For full course description and course registration please visit the PhD website. |