Special issue of “Sustainability”, entitled, “Policies for Sustainable Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency”.


Special issue on:

Policies for Sustainable
Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency

Call for papers

Special issue of “Sustainability”, entitled, “Policies for Sustainable
Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency”.

Guest editor: Dr Boon L. Lee

I would like to invite you to contribute to this Special Issue, which
addresses matters such as whether current farm practices and
productivity is able to meet the objectives of food security. How new
innovative farming techniques can increase farm output while reducing
greenhouse gases. Whether current agricultural policies are achieving
the goals of sustainable farm production or are there policies that may
achieve these goals? Or any other issues that aligns with sustainable
efficiency and productivity in agriculture.

The website for the special issue is found below:

Best regards,
Dr Boon L. Lee (FHEA) | Senior Lecturer | School of Economics and Finance
QUT Business School | QUT | Email: bl.lee@qut.edu.au