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Latest bibliography of DEA with more than 10,000 articles
Emrouznejad A. and G. Yang (2018) A survey and analysis of the first 40 years of scholarly literature in DEA: 1978–2016, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 61(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2017.01.008
CLICK HERE to download bibliography (1978-2016)
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- Bessent AM, E Bessent, CT Clark and J Elam (1985). “A Microcomputer-Based Productivity Support System for Increasing the Managerial Efficiency of Operating Units in ” in Jandriole S (eds.) Microcomputer Decision Support Systems: Design, Implementation and Evaluationqed Information: 219-230.
- Bessent AM, EW Bessent, J Elam and CT Clark (1984). “Constrained Facet Analysis, a New Method for Evaluating Local Frontier of Efficiency and Performance.” Air Force J Logistics 8(3): 2-8.
- Bessent AM, EW Bessent, J Elam and D Long (1984). “Educational Productivity Council Employs Management Science Methods to Improve Educational Quality.” Interfaces 14(6): 1-8.
- Bessent A and W Bessent (1981). “A Fractional Programming Model for Determining the Efficiency of Decision Making Units.? in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
- Bessent A, W Bessent, A Charnes, WW Cooper and NP Thorogood (1983). “Evaluation of Educational Program Proposals by Means of Data Envelopment Analysis.” Educational Administration Quarterly 1: 82-107.
- Bessent A, W Bessent, J Elam and T Clark (1988). “Efficiency Frontier Determination by Constrained Facet Analysis.” Operations Research 36(5): 785-796.
- Bessent A, W Bessent, J Kennington and B Reagan (1982). “An Application of Mathematical Programming to Assess Productivity in the Houston Independent School District.” Management Science 28(12): 1355-1367.
- Berry BJL and YS Chen (1999). “Measurement of Campaign Efficiency Using Data Envelopment Analysis.” Electoral Studies 18(3): 379-395.
- Berry BJL and H Kim (2001). “Efficiency Frontiers: Urbanization and Development.” Urban Geography 22(4): 306-315.
- Berry BJL and H Kim (2002). “Demographic Efficiency: Concept and Estimation.” Population and Environment 23(3): 267.