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Latest bibliography of DEA with more than 10,000 articles
Emrouznejad A. and G. Yang (2018) A survey and analysis of the first 40 years of scholarly literature in DEA: 1978–2016, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 61(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2017.01.008
CLICK HERE to download bibliography (1978-2016)
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- Ali AI and LM Seiford (1993). “The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis.” in Fried HO and SS Schmidt (eds.) the Measurement of Productive Efficiency: Techniques and Applications, Oxford U.K.: 120-159.
- Althin R (2001). “Measurement of Productivity Changes: Two Malmquist Index Approaches.” JPA 16(2): 107-128.
- Ali IA and LM Seiford (1990). “Translation Invariance in Data Envelopment Analysis.” Operations Research Letters 9(6): 403-405.
- Aly HY, R Grabowski, C Pasurka and N Rangan (1990). “Technical, Scale, and Allocative Efficiencies in U.S. Banking: An Empirical Investigation.” Review of Economics and Statistics 72(2): 211-218.
- Alirezaee MR (2005). “The Overall Assurance Interval for the Non-Archimedean Epsilon in DEA Models; a Partition Base Algorithm.” Appl Math Comput 164(3): 667-674.
- Ambrose P (1998). “A Comparison of Data Envelopment Analysis and Genetic Algorithm Techniques for Efficiency Analysis: Implications for Information Systems Research.? in Proceedings of Effective Utilization and Management of Emerging Information Technologies, IDEA Group Publishing: 382-389.
- Alirezaee MR, M Howland and C van de Panne (1998). “Sampling Size and Efficiency Bias in Data Envelopment Analysis.” J Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 2: 51-64.
- Amin GR and A Emrouznejad (2006). “An Extended Minimax Disparity to Determine the Owa Operator Weights.” Computers and Industrial Engineering 50(3): 312-316.
- Alirezaee MR and SA MirHassani (2004). “From the Data Envelopment Analysis Technique to the Development of a Productivity System.” in Emrouznejad A and V Podinovski (eds.) Proceedings of DEA2004, Birmingham, UK: 185.
- Amin GR and A Emrouznejad (2007). “Inverse Linear Programming in DEA.” Int J Production Research.