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Latest bibliography of DEA with more than 10,000 articles
Emrouznejad A. and G. Yang (2018) A survey and analysis of the first 40 years of scholarly literature in DEA: 1978–2016, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 61(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2017.01.008
CLICK HERE to download bibliography (1978-2016)
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- Cantner U and G Westermann (1998). “Localised Technical Progress and Industry Structure: An Empirical Approach.” Economics of Innovation and New Technology 6(2/3): 121.
- Cantos P, JM Pastor and L Serrano (1999). “Productivity, Efficiency and Technical Change in the European Railways: A Non-Parametric Approach.” Transportation 26(4): 337-357.
- Camm JD and TH Burwell (1991). “Sensistivity Analysis in Linear Programming Models with Common Inputs.” Decision Sciences 22: 512-518.
- Camm JD and TJ Grogan (1988). “An Application of Frontier Analysis: Handicapping Running Races.” Interfaces 1: 52-60.
- Campbell B and JM Dufour (1995). “Exact Nonparametric Orthogonality and Random-Walk Tests.” Review of Economics and Statistics 7: 1-16.
- Campbell B and E Ghysels (1995). “Federal-Budget Projections – a Nonparametric Assessment of Bias and Efficiency.” Review of Economics and Statistics 7: 17-31.
- Canaleta CG, PP Arzoz and MR Garate (2003). “Productivity, Public Capital and Convergence. A Study of the Spanish Regions.” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 94(5): 537-553.
- Camanho A and R Dyson (2002). “Assessing Program and Managerial Efficiencies: With an Application to Bank Branches.” in Emrouznejad A, R Green and V Krivonozhko (eds.) Efficiency and Productivity Analysis in the 21st Century, International Research in Management Science.
- Camanho A S and G Dyson R (2004). “The Assessment of Cost Efficiency Allowing for Adjustments to Input Prices.” in Emrouznejad A and V Podinovski (eds.) Proceedings of DEA2004, Birmingham, UK: 379.
- Camanho AS and RG Dyson (1999). “Efficiency, Size, Benchmarks and Targets for Bank Branches: An Application of Data Envelopment.” JORS 50(9): 903.