LEER Summer School 2017
May 29-31, Leuven,
Faculty of Economics and Business
The summer school provides junior and senior researchers the opportunity to discuss their research on education economics. The summer school has 10 invited speakers: Tommaso Agasisti, Carla Haelermans, Daniel Horn, Hubert Kiss, Erwin Ooghe, Nicky Rogge, Mike Smet, Geert Van Campenhout, Kristof De Witte and Dieter Verhaest. The invited speakers present a blend of theory and empirical issues on the use of experiments in education, the financing of education and the measurement of performance in education.
Selected junior researchers have the opportunity to present their work (or research ideas) and receive feedback from senior researchers. Further details on the workshop are provided in the menu at the right-hand side.
The workshop includes oral presentations. Presenters are expected to send a minimum 200-300 word structured abstract to ann.vanespen@kuleuven.be before May 10, 2017.
Selected papers will be presented by participants during this Summer School.