DEA in EURO2022 conference, Finland, July 3-6, 2022.

EURO2022 in Aalto University, Espoo, Finland


Abstract submission deadlineMarch 4, 2022

Conference dates: July 3-6, 2022

Conference website:


Dear Colleagues,

We are organizing the stream “Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Measurement” at the upcoming EURO 2022 conference in Aalto University, July 3-6, 2022.

We have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate in EURO 2022 conference and submit a paper to this stream.

To submit the paper, please visit and use the invitation codes given below:

c4c20332 Performance Measurement (Any contribution to the Stream of DEA and Performance Measurement)
91f929a2 DEA methodological developments
a25c7cec Stochastic Frontier Analysis
09b35d2e DEA applications in Education
c275b010 DEA applications in Health
f4ca5a97 DEA applications in Banking and Finance
1d923f89 DEA applications in Agriculture / Energy / Sustainability

To submit a paper, you need to have a EURO account. If you do not have one, please visit and sign up for a new account.

If you would like to organize an invited session, please let us know via email to or .

We will send you the information that will allow you to invite people to submit abstracts online to your session. Each session consists of four papers.

Abstracts have at maximum of 1500 characters.

Looking forward to seeing you in Espoo at EURO 2022!

Giovanna D’Inverno & Ana Camanho


Giovanna D’Inverno

Postdoctoral Researcher

KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Campus Leuven

Leuven Economics of Education Research

Naamsestraat 69 box 3503, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium