Call for papers: book chapter (Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis)

Dear Efficiency and Productivity Community,

Following the conclusion of NAPW X in sunny Miami, we will be editing a collected volume for Springer titled “Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis”. This collected work will contain contributed, peer reviewed chapters across all areas of efficiency and productivity analysis. We expect that the types of contributions to the Springer Proceedings Volume will focus on surveying areas of topical interest and possibly preliminary work in progress that would not otherwise be considered appropriate for the JPA.  We hope you will consider submitting your work for potential inclusion. To meet deadlines with Springer we ask for all submissions to be sent via e-mail to either of us by no later than October 15th, 2018. Submissions should be on the order of 20-30 pages in length in standard formatting.

Current contributors include Jaap Bos, Cinzia Daraio, Subal Kumbhakar, Amil Petrin, Peter Schmidt, Konstantinos Triantis, and Paul Wilson.

If you have any questions please do no hesitate to ask.


Christopher F. Parmeter and Robin C. Sickles

For further information please contact: Christopher F. Parmeter <>