6th International Workshop on “Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services”
Huddersfield Business School, Huddersfield, England, September 6th and 7th, 2018
We are writing to circulate the Programme (provisional) for the 6th International Workshop on “Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services”. Please find attached the same.
If you have not already registered for the conference you can still do. The ‘early bird’ registration fees is £175 up to 15th July 2018 and £225 thereafter. The payment includes the cost of the conference dinner on 6th September. Payment information and registration is available via this link. Should you encounter any difficulties or have any queries please do get in touch at s.virmani@hud.ac.uk
We look forward to welcoming you to Huddersfield in September.
Best wishes
Dr Swati Virmani, s.virmani@hud.ac.uk
Professor Jill Johnes, j.johnes@hud.ac.uk