PIM-DEAsoft V3:
- Is the latest up to date DEA software from academics with decades experience in teaching, researching and applying DEA;
- Has enhanced functionality reflecting the cumulative feedback from our users since the 1980s;
- Contains up-to-date DEA models reflecting the latest developments in DEA research from the developers who are research active in the field;
- Can assess productivity change over time;
- Can deliver alternative decompositions of productivity change for variable and constant returns to scale; capturing efficiency change, scale efficiency change and boundary shift components;
- Can compute allocative efficiency, cost efficiency, scale efficiency and identify the nature of returns to scale applicable at each unit;
- Can provide estimates of confidence intervals on DEA efficiencies and bias correction factors using bootstrapping;
Offers the facility for incorporating value judgments or other restrictions within DEA assessments;
- Offers the facility for identifying performance targets reflecting varying policies;
- Offers the facility to assess super-efficiencies of units and set in motion iterative automatic removal of units with super-efficiencies above a user-specified threshold;
- Features graphical output facilities for illustrating how DEA works and for presenting results;
Has extensive data handling facilities for very large data sets (e.g. automatic selection of subsets of units by category for batch runs);
- Permits import and export of data to Excel and the export of results to Excel;
- Computes efficiencies under constant, non constant, non increasing and non decreasing returns to scale and it produces Most Productive Scale Size information.