Latest Up-to-Date DEA Software |
PIM-DEA is the latest up to date DEA software from academics with decades experience in teaching, researching and applying DEA.
Enhanced Functionality |
PIM-DEA has enhanced functionality features reflecting the cumulative feedback from our users since the 1980s.
Extensive Data Handling |
PIM-DEA has extensive data handling facilities for very large data sets (e.g. automatic selection of subsets of units by category for batch runs); Permits import and export of data to Excel and the export of results to Excel.
Graphical Facilities |
Its graphical facilities include: illustration and real time updating of the Production Possibility Set and its frontier as the model specification is modified, histogram of efficiencies, trend of efficiencies over time, trend of Malmquist indices over time, trend of efficiency change boundary shift and scale efficiency change over time.