Kirigia, J. M., O. A. Mensah, et al. (2010). “Technical effieicny of zone hospitals in Benin.” The African Health Monitor 12: 30-39.

Kirigia, J. M., O. A. Mensah, et al. (2010). “Technical effieicny of zone hospitals in Benin.” The African Health Monitor 12: 30-39.

The objectives of this study were to measure the technical and scale efficiency of hospitals in Benin. DEAP software was used to analyze the technical efficiency among a sample of 23 zonal hospitals in the Republic of Benin over a period of five years, i.e. 2003 to 2007. The yearly analysis revealed that 20 (87%), 20 (87%), 14 (61%), 12 (52%) and 8 (35%) of the hospitals were run inefficiently in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively; and they needed to either increase their outputs or reduce their inputs in order to become efficient. The average variable returns to scale (VRS) technical efficiency scores were 63%, 64%, 78%, 78% and 86% respectively during the years under consideration. There is some scope for providing outpatient curative and preventive care and inpatient care to extra patients without additional investment into the abovementioned health services. This would entail leveraging of health promotion approaches and lowering of financial barriers to access to boost the consumption of underutilized health services, especially health promotion and disease prevention services.

(Source 1)
Kirigia, J. M., O. A. Mensah, et al. (2010). “Technical effieicny of zone hospitals in Benin.” The African Health Monitor 12: 30-39. .
(Source 2)

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